I just needed to vent some steam and since it's related to games, here I go.
It had been an awful last 2 weeks. First, all of a sudden, my main hard drive died. Ironically it happenned the day before the backup was scheduled, so in a second my OS with all my software, games, bookmarks and savegames were gone. After the logic upset I went to look for a new drive and... surprise! All hds had almost doubled their price due to some natural disaster. I had no choice so there goes my extra money for cool xmas presents.
2 days later, the day my new hard drive was expected to arrive, I was playing with my little 4 months old cat and for no reason he scratched my eye, right in the center of my pupil. It hurt like hell and the doctor gave some meds that didn't allow me to open that eye for almost a week, so my computer had to wait. No need to mention it was a long and boring week. No reading, tv or nothing visually stressing. It's also worth mentioning that during that week the PC titles I was waiting for arrived (BF3, MW3, LA Noire, Saints Row the 3rd and Skyrim). It was kinda mean.
Finally my eye was ok, I fixed my computer, installed the games and went to check my email to see when my long time pre-ordered Batman Arkham City Coll. Edition for PC would arrive, and guess what? The games had been stolen on their way to the shop! Arrrg, how is this possible? Fortunately the shop offered a solution. They send me the normal edition for PC and the Collector's for PS3 so I can have the physical items. I don't have a console so the PS3 game and dlcs will go to waste I guess.
Honestly, I don't think it's perfect but after all the bad luck in the past 2 weeks I take it for a good change. I just hope not to have another time like this, cause my life, due to certain circumstances is already not a merry one.
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