It's just a name. Nintendo just needs to pump out more games for it. That should be of moderate help towards the system. I really don't think the Wii U is going to ever sell more than 25 million units, so Nintendo should start working on finding a way to cut manufacturing costs. That's really all I can say. They should release their new console in 2016, and this time make it a serious alternative to Sony's and Microsoft's systems.
Animatronic64's forum posts
The load times seem to be horrible specifically with third party titles. But I've noticed a multitude of issues with third party games... I think I'm done buying third party games for my Wii U.
Oh, my fucking god. The system isn't doing THAT badly.
You might as well ask "what if the world ends this month?"
Because, honestly, I think there's a higher statistical chance of the world ending than Nintendo discontinuing the Wii U this month.
Maybe it's my Wii U or something, but this game runs awful. Seems like it's running anywhere between 20 to 30 frames per second. It's very inconsistent. It's choppy just about everywhere, basically. Particularly inside the police station. Can anyone confirm if it's this bad or not? I might be more sensitive to bad frame rates than other people, but when I looked up reviews for this game, I couldn't find any pointing out the framerate issues.
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