time to start anew!! ^o^
by Anime_Guy55x on Comments
hello people!! :D i want to tell you all that i haven't been on gs/tv.com in like 7 months and i had forgoton all about it.but for some reason i decide to browse through a bunch of different and weird websitesand i happen to find tv.com/gs so yah since im bored on these summer days. im going to come back here!! ^0^ but since more than half my old friends are gone or banned im deciding to get new friends and renew my self of course i will keep my profile and banner and all that but now i think i will try my best to comment on all my friends blogs and all that stuff SO everyone should be happy now because this is the OFFICIAL blog that states i will now stay on my gamespot/tv.com profiles!!Now everybody cheer!! ^_^