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#1 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts

for jrpg, must buys are:

persona 3 fes (make sure it has fes, since this version have an additional bonus content)

persona 4

ffx and ffx2 (aside from ff12)

dragon quest 8

rogue galaxy

dark cloud 2 (it doesnt matter if you dont get dark cloud 1. little to no relation at all)

tales of the abyss

kingdom hearts series all 3

grandia 3

disgaea 1 and 2


worth a try/look:

shadow hearts series

shin megami tensei: nocturne

smt: digital devil saga 1 and 2 (only if you like nocture)

star ocean 3


i havent check this yet but they have a decent review lol.

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance I

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II

Champions of Norrath

Champions: Return to Arms

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone

I wouldn't consider FFX a must buy, and FFX-2 was pure rubbish as a game goes. Kingdom Heart is also pretty low key as far as JRPGs go as it gets repetitive and the story is nowhere near as indepth as is the genres standard. All the western rpgs you listed are great games and worth a play. Demon Stone has about the best narrator ever, Patrick Stewart, which really lends to the game as I generally wish my narrators would shut up. Aside from Star Ocean 3, mostly because I feel the series has gone down hill since SO: Second Story, your worth a look are considered some of the best JRPGs out there. However this list lacks mention of Wild Arms, Breath of Fire IV, Valkyrie Profile 2, the Tales series (Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia to name a few) and many other well reviewed JRPGs
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#2 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts


[QUOTE="tidusjeff"]I'm not sure about much that would help. I think I just have to make myself. But it's hard because I have valkyria chronicles to play. AcidSoldner

If it feels like a chore to play, then stop playing it. Games are supposed to be fun, that's whole point. I'd sell it or trade it in towards another game if it felt like that.


Agreed. If your not enjoying the game then you don't have to play it. From what I played at my friends house I enjoyed immensely but hey thats just me.

same, but odd you need motivation to play a game considered a classic. Each their own and all
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#3 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
The Ps2 has a serious collection of "Gems" as I like to call them. Shadow Hearts being a prime example of this. Its origin Koudelka was a miserable game which had numerous flaws, given a few years and a new system to be on a masterpiece in the RPG genre came out of it however. Okage the Shadow King: Bloody near impossible at times but the games mix of interesting graphics and storyline made for yet another great RPG the two .//hack series stood out as RPGs with their distinctive style of play Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was an ace for sure on the PS2, and many other Forgotten Realsm games (for example Demon Stone voiced by Patrick Stewart no less) were amazing games that I often revisit Chaos Legion and Breath of Fire IV were both on the PS2 I could literally go all day at this :(
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#4 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Jak and Dax just came out with a game this year I thought, Frontier I believe...or was it that it was released in Japan this year *rubs his head* either way they are still out there
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#5 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
hmmm 1) Star Ocean: second Story...I pride myself on having a 100% completion for this game 2) Vagrant Story 3) Xenogears 4) Final Fantasy IV 5) Diablo
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#6 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
[QUOTE="anbu-black-ops"]^^ this is my specialty lol. must-have: persona fes 3 and 4 kingdom hearts series ff 12 ffx2 dragon quest 8 devil summoner 1 and 2 (that is if you like SMT games) tales of the abyss worth a look rpg: shadow hearts series suikoden series (3-5) grandia 3 wild arms series (old school style) radiata stories tales of legendia havent tried this one yet but they say its good: mana khemia 1 and 2 ar tonelico srpg: disgaea 1 and 2

Lets not forget games like the two .//hack series Breath of Fire IV Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Dark Cloud Chaos Legion Devil May Cry series Darkengard 1& 2 Growlanser Generations & Heritage If he happens to like Megaman there is Megan Man X Command Mission, which I loved as an RPG Not a fan but Monster Hunter Odin Sphere, a fantastic RPG Okami, again it was just an amazing game though I prefer it on the Wii Okage the Shadow King The Onimusha game series Orphen, Scion of Sorcery Phantom brave, similar in style to Disgaea Just to name a few. I'm an RPG guy so its sorta my area
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#7 Animeleague
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To say that the Gamecube had a great library is faulty. Its has maybe 30-40 games worth playing and only a few of those were RPGs (which is my preferred genre) compared to the PS2 which of any system (excluding PS1 games, but if you want to include those it only builds on the Ps2 available library) has the largest and most diverse library and whose library at one point heavily focused on RPGs. I own a Gamecube and yes its fun, but its games rarely had innovative qualities and the system itself never provided for innovation, something Nintendo fans expect from that company I feel. As a collector of games, the GC like the N64 had little to offer me while the PS2 pumped out game after game I wanted to add to my collection. The Dreamcast. which the poster above me brought, had a great selection of ace games, however it failed to draw in new gamers so its sole appeal was to "core" or "serious" gamers. No system could thrive like that, personally I'm okay with Sega making just games now and not systems
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#8 Animeleague
Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
I think Gamecube's greatest failure was to advertise itself well. As it fell further behind the PS2 it of course lost its chance to produce a quality game library while the PS2 gained ground in this area. True the GC has some gems, but they don't override all the poor quality games that were released on the system. GC is very much like the Wii in that regard (though the Wii is producing a higher quality of game if slowly thanks to it having its popularity to fall back on), serious gamers are the one's going to drop the most money as they are the devoted retail base, if you can't keep them at least partially happy while enticing new gamers no matter what company backs the system it will fail.