I wouldn't consider FFX a must buy, and FFX-2 was pure rubbish as a game goes. Kingdom Heart is also pretty low key as far as JRPGs go as it gets repetitive and the story is nowhere near as indepth as is the genres standard. All the western rpgs you listed are great games and worth a play. Demon Stone has about the best narrator ever, Patrick Stewart, which really lends to the game as I generally wish my narrators would shut up. Aside from Star Ocean 3, mostly because I feel the series has gone down hill since SO: Second Story, your worth a look are considered some of the best JRPGs out there. However this list lacks mention of Wild Arms, Breath of Fire IV, Valkyrie Profile 2, the Tales series (Tales of Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia to name a few) and many other well reviewed JRPGsfor jrpg, must buys are:
persona 3 fes (make sure it has fes, since this version have an additional bonus content)
persona 4
ffx and ffx2 (aside from ff12)
dragon quest 8
rogue galaxy
dark cloud 2 (it doesnt matter if you dont get dark cloud 1. little to no relation at all)
tales of the abyss
kingdom hearts series all 3
grandia 3
disgaea 1 and 2
worth a try/look:
shadow hearts series
shin megami tensei: nocturne
smt: digital devil saga 1 and 2 (only if you like nocture)
star ocean 3
i havent check this yet but they have a decent review lol.
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance I
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II
Champions of Norrath
Champions: Return to Arms
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Animeleague's forum posts
[QUOTE="tidusjeff"]I'm not sure about much that would help. I think I just have to make myself. But it's hard because I have valkyria chronicles to play. AcidSoldner
If it feels like a chore to play, then stop playing it. Games are supposed to be fun, that's whole point. I'd sell it or trade it in towards another game if it felt like that.
Agreed. If your not enjoying the game then you don't have to play it. From what I played at my friends house I enjoyed immensely but hey thats just me.same, but odd you need motivation to play a game considered a classic. Each their own and all
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