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Yes its been too long.

Well i Realize it has been much too long since i have updated this. But i am also realizing that i miss sending my thoughts out into the world for all too see, so here i am yet again, saying something along the lines of "I'm actually gonna stick with it this time". Well here is Trying.

So gaming/life update: I am currently a Trifecta owner (PS3, 360 and Wii) and i can honestly say that my PS3 by FAR gets the most use. I usually turn it on on average probably at least once a day. My 360 on the other hand is more like once a week maybe even less, While my Wii.....well lets just say the last time i turned it on was probably back in march or so.

I have moved into a new place all to myself, i am finding myself Single for the first time in about 4 years and i just bought a new car. I also purchased a nice big 42" Panasonic Plasma 1080p Television to go in my place. So all is good in the world yet again. Its been an interesting path recently but nevertheless here i am starting over in a new place with a new car and a new TV. Also much more gaming has been going on recently. Hence i feel that i am again in a position to start updating this more actively. I figure i will throw up some anime posts some automobile posts and some tech and game posts as well, essentially all my hobbies.

So stay tuned for more updates in the near future.

Xbox 360 can go to hell!!!!

Well it was a sad day for me on Friday. I came home from work, all excited and thinking about all the great Xbox360 gaming i was gunna do. Play some SKATE, have some friends over for some Halo 3, maybe even play some DOA4.

So i come home, after a long arse day at work, no one is there yet, think "well i might as well play some SKATE to wind down" So i saunter over to my Xbox controller, press the magic X and.......DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUU!!!!! Yes my Friends and fellow gaming connoisseurs......The Fabled RED RING OF DEATH!!!!!!! Needless to say, i was just slightly perturbed.

Once i had regained my composure, i dialed up to my friendly neighbourhood Microsoft customer service center, waded through there little process, and preceded to explain my situation. They were very understanding (he said it happens so much they are almost not even checking them anymore, just shipping out new ones). He explained that i would be receiving a package sometime within the next couple of days, and i would insert my Xbox Only into the package and send it back to them via the famous "Purolator Guy". He also explained that when they receive it, they will double check, and if it is in fact......the RED RING OF DEATH *gasp* they will ship me out a new one. He said i am looking at about 2-3 weeks turn around time (thank god i live close to MS) and that due to the occurring issues, they will be sending me a 3 month Free Xbox Live Gold card along with it as well.

So now we wait.....i will keep you guys posted as to how it goes.. For now, OMG what POS system Microsoft has on there hands. I will definitely NOT be recommending them to anyone until they get this sorted out great games or not.

Overwhelmed with demo's

Well i just wanted to say WOAH!! talk about a plethora of great games that have come out on Xbox Live lately in the way of Demo's. I mean i spent this last weekend playing some absolutly great games on there like The Darkness, Ace Combat 6, and Dynasty Warriors :Gundam. I am also downloading the blue dragon demo as we speak. I don't even know what I can say about this demo, really I am gunna be buying it. Being a huge fan of the comic since it began i am really impressed with how well they kept the feel, All in all simply great.

AceCombat6....Is so pretty! I am really impressed with how well they have made my favorite flight combat sim look. Besides it being drop dead gorgeous, they seem to have the gameplay down as well. My one complaint with the demo was the controls, they have kinda nerfed the controls, and i am not sure if its just for the demo, but no barrel rolls and what not, was kinda lame, really held me back from getting into the dog fighting. I am sure its probably just the demo trying to be more accessable, but i am sure hoping the final game has the full on controls.

DynastyWarriors:Gundam.... Man I have loved the DW series since the second one for PS2, and this one is even better. Talk about feeling badass, I mean your running around in a giant robot, and bashing other giant robots, its just awsome.

Downloading Blue Dragon as we speak, and I am really looking forward to the first "real" RPG on the system. From what I have heard its a truelly epic game, so i am really looking forward to the demo.

All in all I am really enjoying this portion of Live, it really adds to the value of getting your X360 online.

ITS A Wii!!

Well i was finally able to track down a Nintendo Wii. Its been a long process, a VERY long process. My Girlfriend was gunna get me one for my Birthday (that was in March) and we FINALLY found one now. So initial impressions are quite good. Its very small as most of you i am sure know already. Its also very quiet, which i was very happy about. Coming from the Xbox360 which sounds kinda like a small jet engine when its on its a nice change. The build quality seems very good, so hopefully it will lastfor many years to come. It really does look nice also, i do like the styling of it, fits right in under my TV with my PS2 and Xbox360.

I haven't had a chance yet to try out the backwards compatability yet, but when i can finally find some gamecube controllers i am planning on trying out all those games i missed from the cube. Not only that but as an added bonus, these games are very cheap these days and easy to find.

So far the only game i have really had a chance to play is Wii-Sports, which was bundled with the console. So far its a nice change, it's not that pretty, but what it lacks in looks it makes up for in sheer fun. I still can't shake the feeling they could have fleshed it out a bit more though. I mean make the Wii workout more like a fitness game, and maybe add a couple more then just Boxing, Tennis, Golf, Bowling and Baseball. I think long term it will get old, but for now, its a whole lotta fun. Also i really think the Wii is the only system that you sweat when playing and ar actually sore the next day! LOL.

About the only bad thing i can lay on the Wii is the absolutly outrageous cost of controllers. I bought an extra controller when i bought my Wii. Not only are you buying 2 pieces for every controller, the Wii-Mote is 45$ and then to add an additional nunchuk its another 25$!!! So we arere talking 70$ for each total controller!! That IMHO is outrageous. I mean you pay 40 or 50$ for a PS2, PS3 or Xbox360 controller. One can try and argue that you only need the Wii-mote for many games. But we all know you need both for the whole experience.

Anyways, so these are my initial thoughts so far on the Wii, and when i get more games i will post back with more thoughts.

Yet more new Toys

Well i understand its been a very long time since my last post but i thought i would add some updates as well as some exciting new changes in my gaming life.

Well my X360 has gotten much use, i have yet to actually subscribe to Live Gold yet (Somthing about having to pay money to play my games over the net wich i already pay for feels wrong) But i have used all three of my free 1 month Subscriptions. So far Gears of War has been a total blast, single player is just great, great universe they are creating, and a great story and game alltogether. Its an awsome game to really let the x360 shine, and shine it really does. I have been playing a little more Multiplayer lately and i am really starting to enjoy it, now that i have finally gotten a bit of the hang of it so i don't continue to be kicked out of matches cause i suck lol.

I am also really enjoying Dead or Alive 4. So far great game, visuals are stunning, and gameplay is just awsome. I haven't played it online yet, as i imagine i would get a severe a55whooping, but one of these days i will bust out online. I feel singleplayer is great, i love unlocking all the different costumes, but i can't shake the feeling that the end boss is really terrible. You alwasy feel so cheaped out by him when playing against him. But all in all great game that i am definatly enjoying.

I recieved GRAW with my 360, and so far my roomate and i have been loving playing that together. I am still working on singleplayer. As yet i haven't given this game enough time to really shine, but i am planning on sitting down here soon and really playing it.

One thing i am absolutly loving about the 360 and Live is the fact i can DL DEMO's! man you can almost keep yourself busy just playing all the new Demo's that come out. Simply awsome. I really hope in the near future that they will allow you to DL more then one demo at a time, but meh small issue in the grand scheme of things.

The one thing i really don't like so far about my x360 experience has been reliabilty. So far i personally have not had any issues, but man i am paranoid. I keep hearing about friends and what not having there 360's have the 3red lights of death. IMHO i feel that almost 2 years after launch they really should have this thing sorted out.

So far thats about all i can say right now about the 360, Stay tuned for more info soon (i am actually gunna try and update this thing more often LOL.

A New Toy

Well i know its been a freaky long time since i have written anything here, so here goes. Well for christmas i was given a XB360 bundled with GRAW, and Arcade live. Also they bought me COD3. Now its not a PS3, but hey i'll take it. So far i am liking it, its a pretty tight system, for a while i was tempted to take it back and get a PS3, but now i think i'll keep it. I also picked up a second controller and play and charge kit as well to keep me gaming all throught the night. I have yet to get it on Live yet, i haven't decided how i am gunan do that, if i wanna pay for another IP or fork out 100$ CAN for the wireless networking. When i figure it out i'll post it. Anyways thats all for now. Maybe more later.

CAL 0 Pre seasons starts

Well FEW played our first Pre-season game tonight, the score was 16-3 So we are happy, it was a good game, it was only pre-season though so we have a lot of work, but things are shaping up well.

Mario Kart DS

Well what can i say, Mario Kart for the DS has finally been released and shipping with Online support. I really just have to say, that i am very impressed with this game, The Tracks, some new, some old, are all extremely well done. For the new tracks they have really added a nice variety of fun quick tracks, as well as some longer more challenging tracks, but all of wich are fun. All your old favorite tracks ranging from the Super Nes to the GC are all here, all redone, and just as fun as you remember them. The Graphics are superb, i would go as far as to say i feel they are much more crisp then even their N64 counterparts. The animation is very fluid, all the effects are spectacular, and just the inclusion of the second screen to show you the track is great, it adds much more then i thought it would. Single player is a wonderful assortment of zany racing with skill and a bit of luck making their rounds. Learning when to powerslide and when to boost are key for this game, especially in the 150CC races, as well as Online. The pickups are great, and really add to strategy of the races. The Idea of wining new Carts and new Drivers was a great inclusion in the game, making for definate replay value. The battle Mode is great fun, all that you remember before, with the addition of having to use the mic to "blow" your balloons up when they pop. And new to this Mario Kart is the additon of Level play, where they give you objectives and a set time to get them done, and off you go, they are great fun and really round out the single player experience. The Multiplayer in this game is Fantastic, i have yet to use it with just friends, over the wireless connection, but i have played many an Online game, and they are a Blast. Getting Online is Amazinly simple, Nintendo really has made the connection a connect, press 2 buttons and it works affair, making for a very streamlined, easy connection to the net. They have also started selling a USB WiFi adapter for anyone who would like to get there DS online, but doesn't have a wireless conection, and is not about to buy one for just there DS. It simply plugs into the USB connection, you install the software, turn your DS on, allow connection, and Boom your online, its that simple. One downside of Online is the Exclusion of Battlemode, you can only race online, and you better get practicing, because some of the people you will meet online are gunna be good, Maybe your like me and thought oh come on its Mario Kart what kinda skill is needed, well when you start playing online you will find out, People Powerboosting, Snaking and really knowing how to play the game. With the Inclusion of Friends codes, you can also Find friends whenever you wanna play and they can find you, and it really makes for an even better time. All in all i really have to commend Nintendo, they put out a great game, that is really fun to play, and easy to get into, but yet takes some definate time to master, and so far i really have to say, i think this is the best Mario Kart yet.

New 5.1 suround Home theater system

Well today was a great day, me and my roomate were out in town looking for the best deal on Burnout Revenge, and amongst out travels we came across a Pioneer 750W 5.1 Home theter setup, with reciever and DVD player for STUPID CHEAP. OMG we got home and WOAH, after taking forever to hook up (they really need better instructions) we started playing Burnout (yeah we found it at our local specialty games store for sweet cheap, its always a bonus knowing the manager), and OMG this is incredible. I mean man i dunno how i was not playing games like this before, So awsome, and Movies, HELLO!!! Yeah it has definatly revolutionized my living room hehe.

Now in CAL 0 League

Well, this CAL 0 Season Me and my Clan (The FEW) are joining CAL, in the entry level braket, It should be a good learning experience for us, and i hope it will be a lot of fun, who knows we may even do well and move up later on, if not should be a good experience for the Team to get to play better players and work together as a team. Look back for how we are doing this season.
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