A New Toy
by Anjel_Few on Comments
Well i know its been a freaky long time since i have written anything here, so here goes. Well for christmas i was given a XB360 bundled with GRAW, and Arcade live. Also they bought me COD3. Now its not a PS3, but hey i'll take it. So far i am liking it, its a pretty tight system, for a while i was tempted to take it back and get a PS3, but now i think i'll keep it. I also picked up a second controller and play and charge kit as well to keep me gaming all throught the night. I have yet to get it on Live yet, i haven't decided how i am gunan do that, if i wanna pay for another IP or fork out 100$ CAN for the wireless networking. When i figure it out i'll post it. Anyways thats all for now. Maybe more later.