Anjel_Few / Member

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FEAR=Teh Win!

Well i just wanted o start off my Blog by saying hi, i have been a long time Gamespot reader since way back in the days, and yeah been enjoying it ever since. Well now into what this is really about. Well i have the FEAR Directors Edition, had it on preorder, was also a Beta Tester for Monolith on this whole project, and i just have to say that man is this one impressive game, The Graphics are amazing, the AI is unbelievable, and the game is just absolutly amazing, everything screams polish to me. I give Monolith Huge props for trying something new and making a new franchise, they could have rehashed something old, but instead chose to build something groundbreaking from the ground up. As soon as you start playing it its apperent that they spent a lot of time on this game to make it as polished and finished as it is, it feels like a movie that you get to play, and not have to watch ALA MGS (MGS is awsome, just using it as a comparision) The game is creepy when your alone your creeped out becuase your not alone, and when your not alone your worried your gunna get Owned because the AI is so great, i mean flanking, nades, calling for support, all of it is combined to actally make you think about how you are really gunna take on 3 or 4 guys instead of just running out there and trying to shoot em all, because they will kill you. The game definatly has the best atmosphere in a long time. Then there is the Multiplayer, man how incredible is that!!! Its awsome, if you ever played shogo you will undestand what i mean when i say it is very shogoesk. You can definatly tell the same team made both games. Wich in my opinion is a great thing, the multiplayer in FEAR is fast and furious, there are several different game modes and they are all very fun, fast and genuinly feel rewarding. I find a lot of people complaining with how FEAR runs, i personally have no problem at all with the perfomance in FEAR i actually think it runs very well for how goood it looks. All in all what i am trying to say, GO BUY FEAR!! if you have not done so yet GO BUY IT NOW, Stop reading and go buy it.