Well i just wanted to say WOAH!! talk about a plethora of great games that have come out on Xbox Live lately in the way of Demo's. I mean i spent this last weekend playing some absolutly great games on there like The Darkness, Ace Combat 6, and Dynasty Warriors :Gundam. I am also downloading the blue dragon demo as we speak.
TheDarkness....man I don't even know what I can say about this demo, really I am gunna be buying it. Being a huge fan of the comic since it began i am really impressed with how well they kept the feel, All in all simply great.
AceCombat6....Is so pretty! I am really impressed with how well they have made my favorite flight combat sim look. Besides it being drop dead gorgeous, they seem to have the gameplay down as well. My one complaint with the demo was the controls, they have kinda nerfed the controls, and i am not sure if its just for the demo, but no barrel rolls and what not, was kinda lame, really held me back from getting into the dog fighting. I am sure its probably just the demo trying to be more accessable, but i am sure hoping the final game has the full on controls.
DynastyWarriors:Gundam.... Man I have loved the DW series since the second one for PS2, and this one is even better. Talk about feeling badass, I mean your running around in a giant robot, and bashing other giant robots, its just awsome.
Downloading Blue Dragon as we speak, and I am really looking forward to the first "real" RPG on the system. From what I have heard its a truelly epic game, so i am really looking forward to the demo.
All in all I am really enjoying this portion of Live, it really adds to the value of getting your X360 online.