Well i Realize it has been much too long since i have updated this. But i am also realizing that i miss sending my thoughts out into the world for all too see, so here i am yet again, saying something along the lines of "I'm actually gonna stick with it this time". Well here is Trying.
So gaming/life update: I am currently a Trifecta owner (PS3, 360 and Wii) and i can honestly say that my PS3 by FAR gets the most use. I usually turn it on on average probably at least once a day. My 360 on the other hand is more like once a week maybe even less, While my Wii.....well lets just say the last time i turned it on was probably back in march or so.
I have moved into a new place all to myself, i am finding myself Single for the first time in about 4 years and i just bought a new car. I also purchased a nice big 42" Panasonic Plasma 1080p Television to go in my place. So all is good in the world yet again. Its been an interesting path recently but nevertheless here i am starting over in a new place with a new car and a new TV. Also much more gaming has been going on recently. Hence i feel that i am again in a position to start updating this more actively. I figure i will throw up some anime posts some automobile posts and some tech and game posts as well, essentially all my hobbies.
So stay tuned for more updates in the near future.