Anjel_Few / Member

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Yet more new Toys

Well i understand its been a very long time since my last post but i thought i would add some updates as well as some exciting new changes in my gaming life.

Well my X360 has gotten much use, i have yet to actually subscribe to Live Gold yet (Somthing about having to pay money to play my games over the net wich i already pay for feels wrong) But i have used all three of my free 1 month Subscriptions. So far Gears of War has been a total blast, single player is just great, great universe they are creating, and a great story and game alltogether. Its an awsome game to really let the x360 shine, and shine it really does. I have been playing a little more Multiplayer lately and i am really starting to enjoy it, now that i have finally gotten a bit of the hang of it so i don't continue to be kicked out of matches cause i suck lol.

I am also really enjoying Dead or Alive 4. So far great game, visuals are stunning, and gameplay is just awsome. I haven't played it online yet, as i imagine i would get a severe a55whooping, but one of these days i will bust out online. I feel singleplayer is great, i love unlocking all the different costumes, but i can't shake the feeling that the end boss is really terrible. You alwasy feel so cheaped out by him when playing against him. But all in all great game that i am definatly enjoying.

I recieved GRAW with my 360, and so far my roomate and i have been loving playing that together. I am still working on singleplayer. As yet i haven't given this game enough time to really shine, but i am planning on sitting down here soon and really playing it.

One thing i am absolutly loving about the 360 and Live is the fact i can DL DEMO's! man you can almost keep yourself busy just playing all the new Demo's that come out. Simply awsome. I really hope in the near future that they will allow you to DL more then one demo at a time, but meh small issue in the grand scheme of things.

The one thing i really don't like so far about my x360 experience has been reliabilty. So far i personally have not had any issues, but man i am paranoid. I keep hearing about friends and what not having there 360's have the 3red lights of death. IMHO i feel that almost 2 years after launch they really should have this thing sorted out.

So far thats about all i can say right now about the 360, Stay tuned for more info soon (i am actually gunna try and update this thing more often LOL.