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Annexx Blog

Finally about to graduate!!! oh and some video game talk!

Hey everyone.

This seems to be my new favorite route of communication.  I just can't get the time in for the webcam posts anymore, let alone gaming time.  Someday though....

Well I am graduating from Kent State University on Saturday. Woohoo...!  I have a job lined up too.  I have to take a state liscensing exam first though and then Im good to go.  Anyone guess what my major is?? lol

I started playing Puzzle Quest and it is a ton of fun.  There is some "luck" involved that really bothers me sometimes though.  Overall I'm enjoying it.  Pokemon has been ok.  I feel like I'm in my own anime, with drawn out fight scenes and repeatative combat. (Don't get me wrong,  I still love anime)  I can only play it so long before I get tired of it.  The leveling rpg element is still what has me coming back though. 

My internet has been out of whack due to a faulty linksys router.  It actually came to the point where linksys said they'd replace it... if I have the receipt.  Errr I have receipts from everything, except for that of course.  So I'm probably out a nice $80.  

Well that about wraps it up!


See ya! 



New Games ! !

Well I bought three new games.  I only have one of them currently though.

I bought Pokemon Pearl on Thursday and have clocked in 13 hours already.  I haven't played one since red for the Gameboy, so it's been fun.  There are some small things that are frustrating(battles take forever and occur too frequently), and I'm not sold on all the extras they threw in to side step you from the main quest.  Overall fun game though.

I also ordered puzzle quest @ amazon.  It's on back order... sigh.  It has been for awhile though...

I also ordered another hard to find game. The Red Star for PS2, it's a beat-em up/side scrolling shooter game.  It's supposed to be pretty hard to find, and I just ended up ordering it from gamestop online. Overall I try not to order from them, since I don't agree with their tactics to sell games for $5 more than most retailers...(luckily this game did not have their usual price gouging)  I got free shipping however.  Coupon code is SAVER, but it only works for the $2.99 shipping.  The game is also only $20 brand new!


Games on my list!

Hey all! I know I haven't been very active the last couple months. School is almost over. I recently just took a job offer and am now house hutning! So once I have an "adult" life and more of a consistant schedule, I'll try and do the weekly webcam updates that I've always wanted to do. Anyways, on to the topic!!

Here is my list of games I'm interested in getting up until Sept. 07. Games with "pending review" just means that I will be checking out multiple reviews before buying. Usually I check Gamespot first, and if it is below a 6 I let it go right there. Otherwise I check a few more reviews from other sites and some comments from other users. The other games are either ones that I have been looking forward too for a long time or just have a big enough track record for me to trust.



Super Paper Mario (Released)
Heat Seeker (May 1st, Pending Review)
Mario Party 8 (May 29th, 2007)
Resident Evil 4 (Q3 2007)


Lunar Knights (Released)
Puzzle Quest (Released)
Pokemon Pearl(April 22nd,2007)
Dynasty Warriors Fighters Battle DS (July 27th, 2007, Pending Review)


Call of Juarez (June 5th, 2007)
BioShock (August 21st, 2007)
Crysis (Q3 2007)
Spore (Q3 2007)
TimeShift (Q3 2007, Pending Review)


I just recently decided to add Pokemon to my list. I saw it was coming out soon and checked out some videos and it gave me some good flashbacks of Pokemon Red(The last one I played) Maybe a little childish for me now, but I remember it being an addictively fun game. I have been keeping my eye on Lunar Knights. It looked good from the start, but got released at a very busy time and I never got around to picking it up. Puzzle Quest was a sleeper hit for me as I had never heard of it. I read GS's raving review and then checked out a few more, and it appears to be a really fun game worth checking out. I just recently saw Dynasty Warriors was coming out for the DS. I remember playing that game with a roomate endlessly on his PS2, so hopefully this will end up being just as good. I never got to play RE 4 (commence with the tar and feathers lol) but I imagine the Wii version should be just as good. As far as the PC goes, it is just a waiting game for all these shooters, and I can't wait for DX10!! Then I have to buy Vista ahh! Never ends. Spore originally was set for the PC before it was spread out to be on every system imagineable. So I'd like to assume it will be a better version, we'll see I guess.


EDIT: Due to reading a game informer review and realizing I can't play every game I want to I have removed FF CT. 

...and its over...

Spring break has ended and I didnt get to complete any of my games. Life happened, but I guess that is to be expected when your graduating. I got some DotA time in with the roomate, a lot of l337 pWna63. (-- sorry, I had too). I also got some time in with Kirby Squeak Squad. Still a lot of fun, but very easy/simplistic. Trying to unlock all the secrets has been the biggest challenge though, nothing complicated, just repeation of levels.

Oh and my Mom found this browsing her computer this week; a picture of me and my Dad Wii-Boxing.

...and yes...I got my Dad...and this was the first time I've seen him play a video game. Ouch.

 P.S. I tried to get the image in the blog here, but GS was being funny about it, so just click the link.


Wanting Vista, but will be waiting...

My freind recently got a new laptop with Vista on it and now I want it too!  It is much more visually pleasing, and there are some extra features that are really nice (mostly things they should have implemented forever ago).  Also it seems they finally have stable drivers for my 8800.
    Im still at school for a couple more months and we have various discount progrmas on some Microsoft software.  (We used to be able to get XP Pro and Office 2003 back when they came out for $25 each!!!)  The discounts are very small now, and the biggest one is on the upgrade version. It would still be $239 for the retail version  ack!! thats alot of $$.  The oem at new egg is only $119 though, but I have heard of some issues regarding multiple installions after reformat etc. 

Oh well guess I will just wait till the DX10 games come out anyway!

See ya guys!

Annexx Nintendo DS Skins

I have been seeing a lot of people asking about skins for the DS Lite on the forums lately. Just a heads up to everyone thats tracking this. If you are looking for some good skins DS, Xbox, PS2, Wii etc. check out I got my DS Lite skin from there about 4 months ago and it looks brand new. Well worth it.

8800 GTX Nightmare...

Well I installed my 8800 GTX and while installing the new drivers it corrupted all of my input device drivers on windows ....yeaaa!  ugh....So i could use the mouse and keyboard (USB) in BIOS setup, but not windows...try fixing drivers like that.  Then even a PS/2 keyboard only worked in BIOS. So NVIDIA really did a number this time.  A reformat later I finally got it working, and then I still had some minor mouse /keyboard issues and had to re install some keyboard drivers and flash new firmware to the mouse......crazy.  So expect a new video FINALLY in the up coming days.


Second Review up and 8800 GTX on it's way!

Well I have posted my second review.  It's for the Wii's WarioWare:Smooth Moves.  Check it out!

Second, my GPU is finally coming Thursday! All rejoice lol!  So once I have that back in, I'll get back to my webcam blogs.  I was thinking of maybe doing a weekly show.  Something to keep me conssitant and motivated, I'd try to keep it geared towards gaming, but may stray on slow weeks.  What do you guys/girls think?

The spring semester is underway and classes have ensued again...ugh.  My last semester though and then it's time to enter the real world!  Last semester of college, here I come!!

See ya guys!


8800 GTX and going to the dark side...

I decided to go through with EVGA's step-up program and upgrade my video card from a 7900 GTX to an 8800 GTX.  DX10 here we come!!!  Through the step-up program you send your old gpu in for the new one and pay the price difference.  I'll explain more when I have a new video up.  I can't currently as my only hookup for my computer is via the gpu, and since I had to send it I now dont have access to it.  My g/f is using my old rig so that will suffice for now.  I could but the webcam drivers on there, but we'll see how much initiative I really have lol.

On another note I have gone to the dark side.....see if you can figure out what Im talking about. :)  I'll give a shoutout to the one who figures it out first!!

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