Hey everyone.
This seems to be my new favorite route of communication. I just can't get the time in for the webcam posts anymore, let alone gaming time. Someday though....
Well I am graduating from Kent State University on Saturday. Woohoo...! I have a job lined up too. I have to take a state liscensing exam first though and then Im good to go. Anyone guess what my major is?? lol
I started playing Puzzle Quest and it is a ton of fun. There is some "luck" involved that really bothers me sometimes though. Overall I'm enjoying it. Pokemon has been ok. I feel like I'm in my own anime, with drawn out fight scenes and repeatative combat. (Don't get me wrong, I still love anime) I can only play it so long before I get tired of it. The leveling rpg element is still what has me coming back though.
My internet has been out of whack due to a faulty linksys router. It actually came to the point where linksys said they'd replace it... if I have the receipt. Errr I have receipts from everything, except for that of course. So I'm probably out a nice $80.
Well that about wraps it up!
See ya!