Okay so I have to be extra careful here if I don't want to end up on the wrong side of the GameSpot mediators and admittedly some say that I went to the Bob Geldof school of etiquette so I'll make an extra special effort here and be extra careful not to actually swear but what makes a swear word a swear word? Why is it acceptable to use one word in company and not another? Who was it that first said "****" and then added "Oh and by the way, that's a swear word. Naughty me!"? Why can I use certain words in public and get penalised for using another?
Think of it from another perspective; some TV programmes, in an attempt not to offend their viewers and the regulatory bodies, have made up swear words. PORRIDGE was probably the first with NAFF and NERK and then we have later additions with BATTLESTAR GALACTICA's FRACK and FARSCAPE's FRELL. So it seems quite acceptable to make up words and use them in public even though we all know what is really being said, without actually saying it, so if we all know what we all mean, why can't we just say it and how soon will it be before these words actually end up in the dictionary of swear words and become unacceptable to use? Will reruns of Porridge be banned before the watershed?
Then we have the huge dictionary of swear words that aren't swear words unless we put them in the wrong (or right) sentence; words I can use quite happily in this article if I use them in the right context - "Sleeping Beauty pricked herself and made her gown bloody because she was distracted by a couple of (name of a family of birds that the automatic censor won't let me use even if I talk about a blue one) munching on the coconut outside her window." And let's not forget that I can quite legitimately call someone d***h*** if his names just happens to the Richard Head. Then we have those expressions that aren't technically swear words but should be especially when you know their origin - cock-eyed is a perfect example.
So what does make a swear word a swear word and can I make one up or convert an existing word into a swear word? If I can, then I'd like to elect SUCK. Ignore the fact that it rhymes with an existing swear word, it's got a lovely sound to it and can be used offensively in its own right - I'll leave that to your imagination because my examples are getting a little too close to that somewhat fuzzy fine line between decency and profanity and I don't know exactly where the mediators at GameSpot will draw that line so I'll withdraw before I offend and move on and ask why is it that swearing feels so good? Why does it give so much pleasure? They're just words after all but stub your toe, rip your toenail off and then hop around the floor with blood squirting out like an uncontrollable arterial bleed and "oh dearie me" just doesn't cut it. It needs a quick barrage of obscenities even if it is just under your breath.
So with all that in mind, I'll close with one last thought. Let's say that in the future, we became a more (or less) enlightened society where no word is a swear word, would we use those words more or less and what will the kids be saying as they lurk outside the corner shop where currently F is used every other word? "Well fish me if I didn't fishing see my fishing sister fishing about with my cousin. What the fish was that all about?"
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