I've started school 2 weeks ago, and I won't be posting as much guys. . . I have to study and other fun stuff. . . That's why I'm not really posting in OKH anymore, plus my connection is so slow that by the time I've posted something there It's usually irrelevant and you guys have moved on.
On another note, Halloween is coming up soon. . . so I'm going to ask before anyone else does, What are you guys going to be? I'm going to be a nobody of my own creation, most likely Janxanoth (my true nobody name) as opposed to Venyx. A name I had come up with before I scrambled my name. (Yes, Venyx is a recycled character from another RP I was in)
anyway guys. . .comment or i KEEL you! no. . . I'm just kidding. . . or am i? :twisted: *DUN DUN DUN*