I despise the current interface. Microsoft seems to be going backwards with their UI's since the launch of the One. Good UI's are clean, and this one is not.
Someone needs to take Occam's Razor to the UI team - also the concept of "elegance" as it applies to computer programming.
I agree that Elder Scrolls V information is loooooooong overdue. I know Bioware has been busy, and they've brought out some GREAT stuff (as Tor stated), but if we can get SW:TOR info flying all over the place, what about TES V?
This is hardly news, and hasn't been so for a great many years. I had a Sega Genesis, and it as as good as PCs of its time. But PC's totally took over from there, and I didn't own a console again until the 360 came out. Until consoles utilize keyboards in their control schemes, they will never be able to do justice to more complex games, of which WoW is probably the best (and most popular) example. I play on my 360, and I play on my PC. They both serve different purposes, but there is no doubt which has the biggest upside.
"Babeeba Posted Jul 31, 2008 9:08 pm GMT If they've decided on throwing cymbals into the mix, then why not add another bass pedal? A little double bass action couldn't hurt the drum solos!" They're doing that. There is a port for a second drum pedal, which to me is as great an addition as the cymbals. I can't wait!
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