After becoming more involved with the gaming community and going-ons during the past year - mostly through my listening of Gamespot presents The Hotspot - I have become a more avid gamer. I found myself following the Activision falling outs, the delays of Valve games (an ever-present theme) and the many depressing lay-offs that many companies have experienced.
On a lighter note:
BioShock literally shocked me. A frightening game, a fantastic story and a lengthy, meaningful play through. Well worth the bargain-bin $20 I bought it for. Sadly the sequel disappoints, and I doubt I'll find myself playing it.
Super Meat Boy is a fantastic platformer, that needs to be recognised along with the rest of the Indie scene of gaming. Fantastic design makes it a great way to kill time when you realize you can't find that disk you needed. (Or you are just too lazy to get off the couch.)
Halo: Reach continued the Halo legacy in rightful glory. It remains the most complete game on the market for a console. Well worth the money, as it is the best multiplayer experience on offer, with a Developer who cares.
Alan Wake, something I played a while back, along with its DLC. Good game, but outdone by BioShock. I still recommend it to all, however.
Professor Layton, a DS game. The greatest, most intriguing puzzler I have played to date, well worth the money, if that old DS is gathering dust.
Christmas is upcoming: and I shall be recieving AC: Brotherhood and Mass Effect 2. Brilliant start to next year's gaming for me.
I'll also have a bunch of cash, post christmas, so if there are any games recommended for me to play, as I am relatively new at the hardcore scene, just tell me.
Oh yeah, before you call me a Halo fanboy: I played MW2 and BlOps. And Halo outdoes them. Halo is even MORE realistic than them. Yes, I went there... I won't explain it unless I get any comments, which is unlikely, I'm not a very involved community member.
Boom boom pow away.