Sorry Wii friends,
You may consider me a traitor (or really rich at the moment), but I decided to sell my Wii and use the money to get a PS3. If I had the time and money, I would keep both consoles.
Anyway, I got Resistance Fall of Man, MotorStorm and Oblivion and they're all really great games! I can't wait to play them on a HDTV now! Blue-Ray movies look very enticing now.
Overall, I just wanted to try something different from Nintendo's consoles (even though the Wii is something new, there's still a few things that haven't changed). Don't get me wrong: I love Nintendo and I still have my DS which I'm excited for the new Zelda to come out.
I never had a Playstation and this influenced my decision to get one. So now that I have one, I'm excited to get into some of the SquareEnix games as well as GTA IV when it comes out.