I have over 100 hours with ME2, it's an awesome game, everyone STFU.
Antioch0074's forum posts
A few questions, When did you buy this disc, how many times have you installed in, and is it a prated copy?? (be honest)cluclapNot a pirated copy (I can take a pic if you want lol), I've only tried installing it once since I got windows 7. I installed it maybe 3 or 4 times when I had windows XP. I think I recall having this install error before in windows XP. I don't recall how I solved it. I bought the disc when it first was released.
Try setting your date to 2008...cluclap
But see that's fixed in the latest title update and that's only AFTER you've installed the game that you can't sign into live.
And I've tried many other solutions here:
I've tried every which way to resolve this particular error when I attempt to install gears of war PC. I'm pretty much out of ideas. I am running windows 7.
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