There are a couple of flaws in reviewing MP3. 1)Look at all the wii games rated higher than MP3 are they honestly saying that one should go buy them before getting MP3?! 2)Resident Evil 4 wii edition (great game) a third over port but with wii controls is rated higher.Theoretically the orginal Prime if ported with wii controls would get higher than Prime 3. 3)Also, Halo 3 would have to get a lower score becuse it will also be more of the same.
I feel bad for those who own a wii and have never played a Prime game. GS is telling them that there are other games to get before MP3. Prime 3 is a game that showcases the consoles maximum potential in the control scheme, gameplay and graphics, but it isn't the best wii game?!?!
I agreed with the TP review because it played like OOTv1.5 and the controls weren't revolutionary. I won't stand for belittling Metroid Prime however.
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