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Anton_Legend Blog

Im Back on Earth now!

I'm Back again! Sorry about the mysterious absence, I've been away from the planet for a while. But I'm back now, and I'll be back on the forums hard. BRING ON LEVEL 10!

Since I've been gone, there seem to be loads of new people on the Smallville and scrubs forums. COOL! It was getting real quiet just before I left.

So let me know what I've missed etc.

Oh yeah, and I've started watching prison break! It's awesome! Oh, and Robin Hood series 2 is looking just as good as the first one. Just waiting for the new seasons of Lost and 24 and Skins and then 2007 is completed!

Wherefore art thou, Legend?

Where have i been?

OK, its been ages since I commented/ blogged last, butI have not left, and I have not foresaken the forums, I have been keeping a watchful eye over what has been going on. As I said in previous bloggs, I have a new role at work, which is good coz its mo' money, but bad coz its certainly mo' problems! But all things considered, its better than my last job even though its more responsibility.

What happened with the party?

Yes my parents went to Scottland so I had a huge party! I kind of hinted at my parents that I might have a couple of people up for takeaway one night, but of course that couple was more like 60 people turning up! It went well, though, I was a good party master, the party has now become part of 2007 legend! The house didn't get trashed, I only had to spend about 2 hours tidying and cleaning the next day, and the neighbors only complained about the noise once. I was a bit annoyed when they did, though, coz they said that they "couldn't hear their TV" fair enough if they werre tryin'a get to sleep, but COME ON!

Whats Next?

Whats next in the world of Legend? I'm gonna try to get back to more regular commenting on Smallville, Scrubs and House forums, and perhaps update the dictionary again. i want to finish it with at least one entry for every letter. please comment with any suggestions for me either on this blogg or on the guest book of the dictionary (

Yours Anton_Legend

Not the best idea- Parents go away so I have a PARTY! + Animorphs...


My parents set off to scotland on Wednesday, and will be there for quite a while. So, naturally theres a gathering at mine on a certain day coming soon (I have to stay vague, as internet broadcasting of parties is not good). Part of me thinks this will be ace, but part of me says that parties are almost never wise. i prefer to go to one than host one...

Anyways, looks like its on, the yexys have already gone out to the relevent peoples.


As I was doing some tidying in the loft the other day I descovered a load of old animorph books that i used to read when i was younger. They are AWESOME!!! Id forgotten how good they were, and they brought all the memories back. So, (THE POWER OF EBAY!) I ordered all the ones I dont have, which is about 30 books.

One by one these have been coming throught the post and i have been reading them avidly. the downside is that my parents think I'm on drugs, as evey day a package arrives for me, and i immedeately run upstairs and dissappear for 3 hours, then come down later with a huge grin.

Ive updated the dictionary again, and on Monday it will be even UBER-COOLer!!


Anton_Legend Returns!

The 'Forum-Commenter of Steel' is Back!

After a mysterious abscence of 10 days, I have returned to!

The New job is good. Great, actually. the new manager is on holiday for two weeks staring on Monday, which is always good news! Now I can get back to my straight-down-the-line kind of forum commenting, so jedi66 better watch out!

While I was away:

I watched Transformes twice within 24 hours (WHAT A FILM!) and watched Die Hard 4.0 (Very predictable)

Watched that new show thats stared on BBC2, 'Heroes' (looks like it should be good) And spent a lot of time in the pub! :-D

Have I missed anything while i've been away? I have managed to update the dicionary again (


Anton_Legend is leaving TV.COM for a while..

Anton_Legend mysteriously disappears

Hi peoples. I will be away from now for 10 days (earthly completeness), starting on 18th July at about 10.00pm. This is good news in a way, but bad news in another.

:)Good News: I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!! Turns out that the reason my manager has been so harsh to me recently (making me hate my job) was because he found out two weeks ago that another department in our company (I work for a big bank in the head office) is planning to poach me, offering me a much better job! Well, I've been poached!!! Naturally the first thing I will do is get drunk to celebrate!:P

:( Bad News: As the transition is made, I won't be on is becausemost of my contributing was done at work while was bored, or at lunch time. So untill I'm in the new department, I'll not be around to comment and blog and contribute etc. But, as The Man of Steel said in Superman Returns, "I'm always around" so feel free t o comment on this blog. All being well, I should return on th 18th of July. Triumphantly

i will be checking this blog for comments though, so feel free to comment both here and at

Yours, Anton_Legend


Returns 28th July 2007

I'm drunk and I hate my Job! wheeeeyyy!!!

Ok I'm probably going to regret this tomorow morning, but right now I've had about 9 beers coz i hate my job due to the rediculous pressure, and I cope with it by drinkin till i forget about work!

Does anyone else feel the same?

life since school seems to have just gone downhill. WAY down hill!

Also, how do you get to add a new show? coz fonejacker neeeds adding, and i think i could make a good editor!

Please keep checking out for updates and keep quoting the dictionary freely on the forums!

Anton Legend

Do stupid Hoax Theories Annoy you?! THEY LANDED ON THE MOON!!!!

But Friday 6th June 2007

It's not a hoax!

Hey, people!!!

Die Hard 4.0 is out now, and I cannot wait to see it! Work is CRAP today because I work in a big Head Office of a bank and my department is moving upstairs to a new office, so it's frantic packing day today...

But the thing thats got me all wound up today is a conversation I had with my friend Oliver, about hoaxes.

He is inststant that they faked the moon landing, which can't be true. Itw really frustrated me because he is convinced that it was all a scam when it blatantly isn't!

But then he said something that reaaaaaaalllly wound me up, and I'm British. i think if you are american, this should make your blood boil...

Oliver then asserted- no- insisted (as if it were unchangeable fact) that 9/11 was a hoax.

I could not beleive that he even thought that that was possible! he was saying that the twin towers were actually blown up by america, to put blame on the middle east! I found this really offesive, and I'm not even american! Has anyone else heard this theory before?

ANYWAYS, on to a more cheery subject, joke of the day:



[spoiler] Teat-Owl (tea towel) [/spoiler]

OK I know thats not very funny....


I had never eaten Mexican food before. My bowels will never be the same again...

Good Mo'nin to the world!!! Right now I sit at my computer at work with my stomach feeling like I've eaten corregated iron. Why? Last night I went to Chikito's in Burstall (near Leeds)and had mexican food! :) The food itself is awesome, but the after- effects are... lets just say that this morning my covers were hovering!

But seriously, Id never had actuall mexican food, but that was awesome! I especially liked the tacos (mmmmmmmmhmmmm) with the chilli-beef. Ill be returning there soon i hope! Smoking ban came in yesterday! I think that that is hilarious, as we went into Chickitos there were about 6 people outsode n the freezing cold rain smoking! HAHAHAHAHA serves them right!

Oooh, and also I have levelled up! :D level 9 now, so hopefully all the 'Weathermen' Out there will give me some more respect!

Please keep on checking out the website ( and use quotes liberally on the forums. If you want to be entered into it, please just sign the GuestBook and I'll get it sorted!

The Online Dictionary is available NOW!!!!- WITH A TWIST!!!!

Thursday 28th June

Exciting TV News

I can't believe that FINALLY Scrubs returns to British TV for the brand new sixth series tonight at 9:00pm on E4. Personally, I'll be watching it at 10:00pm on E4+1 because I don't want to miss the new episode of House on Channel 5.

Exciting Dictionary News- With a TWIST!

Anton's Dictionary of Legend is now available online- check it out at BUT there is a twist! I have included a guest book, which is intend to be used like a thread of a forum, but I moderate it! And trust me, there will be no TOS violations on this site! So, please feel free to use this guestbook like a long forum topic, feel free to say things that you could never say here on!

Oh, and don't forget to quote liberally from the Dictionary on the forums. If you have any suggestions for me about the dictionary site, please PM me here, or use the guest book on the site.


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