Good Mo'nin to the world!!! Right now I sit at my computer at work with my stomach feeling like I've eaten corregated iron. Why? Last night I went to Chikito's in Burstall (near Leeds)and had mexican food! :) The food itself is awesome, but the after- effects are... lets just say that this morning my covers were hovering!
But seriously, Id never had actuall mexican food, but that was awesome! I especially liked the tacos (mmmmmmmmhmmmm) with the chilli-beef. Ill be returning there soon i hope! Smoking ban came in yesterday! I think that that is hilarious, as we went into Chickitos there were about 6 people outsode n the freezing cold rain smoking! HAHAHAHAHA serves them right!
Oooh, and also I have levelled up! :D level 9 now, so hopefully all the 'Weathermen' Out there will give me some more respect!
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