Where have i been?
OK, its been ages since I commented/ blogged last, butI have not left TV.com, and I have not foresaken the forums, I have been keeping a watchful eye over what has been going on. As I said in previous bloggs, I have a new role at work, which is good coz its mo' money, but bad coz its certainly mo' problems! But all things considered, its better than my last job even though its more responsibility.
What happened with the party?
Yes my parents went to Scottland so I had a huge party! I kind of hinted at my parents that I might have a couple of people up for takeaway one night, but of course that couple was more like 60 people turning up! It went well, though, I was a good party master, the party has now become part of 2007 legend! The house didn't get trashed, I only had to spend about 2 hours tidying and cleaning the next day, and the neighbors only complained about the noise once. I was a bit annoyed when they did, though, coz they said that they "couldn't hear their TV" fair enough if they werre tryin'a get to sleep, but COME ON!
Whats Next?
Whats next in the world of Legend? I'm gonna try to get back to more regular commenting on Smallville, Scrubs and House forums, and perhaps update the dictionary again. i want to finish it with at least one entry for every letter. please comment with any suggestions for me either on this blogg or on the guest book of the dictionary (www.freewebs.com/anton-legend)
Yours Anton_Legend