Anubis006 / Member

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Pissed and disqusted!!!

Last month, i went on ahead and got me a PS3. (plz, hold ur applause) For a solid month now i have been waiting, watching. After the big E3 showing of the future of how Sony was gonna dominate in the ongoing system wars, 4 factors played a major roll in the adoption of this black box....
  1. Call of duty 4 pretty much did it 4 me.
  2. The Agency is right up my ally.
  3. Everyone keeps talking about Resistance
  4. im patently waiting 4 Socom

Now that i have 1, i have 2 not at all impresessed.

PS3 has NO exclusive games 4 it, nor does it have an active online community. Everyone knows online is where the action is, imo. Me being an ex-360 player, (I was just cursed wit the dreaded 3rings of deathlast nite...r.i.p, 9-17-07), I had no choice but 2 rely on my PS3 for entertainment. This thing was a waste, it has NO GAMES!!! All thats going on is its gitting all the old 360 hits a year later, nothing original.

Lets be real, Resistance is it. How long must i go playing that and a 3rd remake of Ninja Gaiden? Everytime i get my heart set on a good game thats spozed 2 be released on a set date, it ends up being pushed back 4 a year or so! By me going 2 school 4 game software developement, i understand that it takes time 2 get something right, but long am i spozed 2 play the same games that released with the system?To sum up my rant, ill end it like this....

IF SONY DONT GET MORE DEVELOPER SUPPORT, U GUYS WILL HAVE ALL SPENT UR 100s OF DOLLERS 4 A BOX THAT WILL END UP LIKE DREAMCAST!!! Will Sony, its gitting suckers like us 2 cough up $500-$600 dollers each day. They are gittin theyre moneys not!!!:evil: