When would be a good time for you to do a trade and what would you like in return. Friend code as well. Mine again is 0302 5685 1553 name is shane. I live in mountain time zone as well.
I am looking to trade for a non hacked Darkrai. I would prefer a non lvl 100 darkrai. I would be more than willing to trade a TRU Regigagas for one. Also I have multiple other pokemon. Not any other event pokemon because I live 180 miles from the nearest toysrus. If anyone is interested let me know. All my pokemon are non hacked. My friend code for platinum is 0302 5685 1553 name is Shane. Depending on the pokemon you want my diamond code is 4683 0851 8539 Ash.
So I have been trying to use the GTS to trade pokemon from my diamond game to my platinum. What i did was offer a shink for a cranidos. For some reason i cant seem to find myself through the GTS. Everytime i search for a shinx I never get my offer. Is there a reason for this or is it just the GTS failing.
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