Well, I'm sitting here waiting for the postman to come with a new game...and my TMGS 2nd Kiss Goods set :) It's supposed to come with an old calender from a year that's already passed (but it'll have pretty pictures so that's okay), a strap, and SD character charms of all the characters *squee* Oh, I haven't said on this blog yet have I? I'm a sucker for marketting. I love to shop. I love character merchandise. I'm planning to put the strap on my DS...which currently has the TMGS 1st Kiss strap on it. I think it's wierd to play 2nd Season with a 1st Kiss strap for some reason...maybe that was just to make an excuse to get the 2nd Season strap? I do this wierd "justification" stuff in my head a lot...so I can buy stuff...
So I'm going to have to stop playing TMGS 2nd Season (I have to save it for an airplane ride and a trip. I play DS in the airport all the time. Why is it that the only other people playing DS in the airport are like little little kids? It makes me feel self-consious...until I get into the game. I played Angelique Duet on my last trip *hearts*) and play this new game. I saw people talking about it and the nice people at the BLG Forums recommended it to me a while back *heart* 'Sides I like princess - fantasy games :) Oh, I'm talking about Oukyuu Yasoukyoku, btw. The boy got it for me *yays for presents*
Duel Love is *out* Yay! Only I can't get mine until Ijiwaru comes out -_-;. I thought I'd save shipping by putting them in the same oorder since their release dates are only a couple of weeks apart, but it's hard waiting...not that I have that much time to play games all the time. Too much stuff to do. Oh, but I hope Ijiwaru doesn't get pushed back! Yay! The Sugar Beans site says the master for Ijiwaru is up!! Yay! Good going, guys! Erm..gals?
Oh, but I thought it'd be cool to also introduce character goods here, too :) So be on the lookout for my review about the TMGS 2nd Kiss Goods set *heart* I'll have piccies, too! *wishes the mailman would hurry up* I hope the strap is clear blue like the 1st Kiss one is clear green...*suspense is killing me* The Konami site only has illustrations of the product. Not acutal pictures, so...I really wish I could have gotten Kei Hazuki's ring. It went for too much on YJA and now there aren't any on there. I couldn't get a Mokkun, either...and now there aren't any for sale anywhere I can find. :/
Well, I think I'll have breakfast while I wait...*hurry, hurry, hurry!*