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[walkhtrough] Under the Moon ~Tsukiiro Ehon~ Part 3/4

***NOTE: This is part 3/4 because I keep hitting the character limit ^^; To see the first part of the Walkthrough, please go here. To see the second part of the Walkthrough, please go here.***

Please don't copy the walkthrough onto other sites as I've put in a few translation mistakes on purpose...Please feel free to link to this post, but please don't post any of this text elsewhere! I suppose you can ask if you want to, and maybe I'll say okay, but I can't really think of a situation where you'd need to post this text instead of link to it?


:arrow: Zero's Route: Zero has two endings, a good one and a bad all the other characters. Please highlight to see the endings.

To get to Zero's Route:

1c. レッスンを受ける
2b. テラスでお茶を飲む

Decisions for Zero's Route:

a) まだ夢を見る時間じゃないよ (It's not the right time to dream yet.)
b) 夢をみているのはどっち? (Which one of us is dreaming?)

a) 。。。怖いの (...I'm scared.)
b) ならずに済むのなら。。。 (If I don't have to, then...)

a) これもやっぱり夢なのかな (Is this a dream, too, then?)
b) 私、ゼロのことをよく知ってる気がする (I have the feeling I know you well, Zero.)

a) 私を愛していいよ (It's okay for you to love me.)
b) 愛してはいけないの?(You can't love me?)

a) 好きなのは私じゃない (I'm not the one who's in love.)
b) 。。。そうなのかも (Maybe you're wrong.)

a) ゼロ行かないで (Please don't go, Zero.)
b) ここまでしておいて酷いよ (That's mean of you to leave after you've made me like this.)

a) お願い、そんなに苦しまないで (Please don't torment yourself like that.)
b) ゼロのバカ。。。!(Zero, you idiot...!)

* Save here. The route to both endings are the same until here.

:) To get Zero's Good Ending:

3a. まだ夢を見る時間じゃないよ (It's not the right time to dream yet.)
4a. 。。。怖いの (...I'm scared.)
5b. 私、ゼロのことをよく知ってる気がする (I have the feeling you know me well, Zero.)
6a. 私を愛していいよ (It's okay for you to love me.)
7b. 。。。そうなのかも (Maybe you're right)*
8a. ゼロ行かないで (Please don't go, Zero.)
9a. お願い、そんなに苦しまないで (Please don't torment yourself like that.)

ゼロ『愛しの使魔』 (Zero "Beloved Tsukaima"))

:( To get Zero's Bad Ending:

3a. まだ夢を見る時間じゃないよ (It's not the right time to dream yet.)
4a. 。。。怖いの (...I'm scared.)
5b. 私、ゼロのことをよく知ってる気がする (I have the feeling you know me well, Zero.)
7a. 好きなのは私じゃない (I'm not the one who's in love.)
8b. ここまでしておいて酷いよ (That's mean of you to leave after you've made me like this.)
9b. ゼロのバカ。。。!(Zero, you idiot...!)
ゼロ『新たなる絆』 (Zero "A New Bond")

* Load here. The route to both endings are the same until here.

:arrow: Seizh's Route: Seizh has two endings, a good one and a bad all the other characters. Please highlight to see the endings.

To get to Seizh's Route:

1b. 広間に逃げる

Decisions for Seizh's Route:

a) あなたに見とれてたの (I got lost while staring at you.)
b) そろそろ離して欲しいな (It'd be nice if you let go of me sometime soon.)

a) 自信をもって (Believe in yourself.)
b) 偽者なんて言わないで (Don't call yourself a fake.)

a) 適当な話でごまかす (Just change the subject to anything but this.)
b) 恋人がいるのかきいてみる (Ask if he has a lover.)

a) 。。。嫌 (
b) 。。。うん (...yep.)

a) だから招待したんだよ (That's why I invited you.)
b) 。。。内緒だよ ('s a secret, you know.)

a) 我慢する (Take it.)
b) 突き飛ばす(Push him away.)

a)その時になったら考えればいいよ (Why don't we just think about it when the time comes?)
b)大丈夫、一緒にいられるよ (It's all right. I know we can stay together.)

:) To get Seizh's Good Ending:

2a. あなたに見とれてたの (I got lost while staring at you.)
3b. 偽者なんて言わないで (Don't call yourself a fake.)
4b. 恋人がいるのかきいてみる (Ask if he has a lover.)
5a. 。。。嫌 (
6a. だから招待したんだよ (That's why I invited you.)
7a. 我慢する (Take it.)
8a. その時になったら考えればいいよ (Why don't we just think about it when the time comes?)*

セイジュ『永遠なる君へ』 (Seizh "To You Eternally")

* Save here. The route to both endings are the same until here.

:( To get Seizh's Bad Ending:

2a. あなたに見とれてたの (I got lost while staring at you.)
3b. 偽者なんて言わないで (Don't call yourself a fake.)
4b. 恋人がいるのかきいてみる (Ask if he has a lover.)
5a. 。。。嫌 (
6a. だから招待したんだよ (That's why I invited you.)
7a. 我慢する (Take it.)
8b. 大丈夫、一緒にいられるよ (It's all right. I know we can stay together.)*

セイジュ『孤独な魔王』 (Seizh "A Lonely Maou")

* Load here. The route to both endings are the same until here.

:arrow: Leni's Route: Leni has two endings, a good one and a bad all the other characters. Please highlight to see the endings.

To get to Leni's Route:

1a. 中庭に逃げる

Decisions for Leni's Route:

a) ダンスのレッスンから逃げたの (I ran away from my dance lesson.)
b) あなたこそここで何をしてたの?(What are you doing here?)

a) 他にもリボンは持ってるから (I have other ribbons, so...)
b) うん。。。(Yeah....)

a) 。。。
b) 私も、好き。。。(I like you, too.)

a) レニに見せたかったの (I wanted to show you, Leni.)
b) レニに抱きつく (Glomp Leni.)

a) 目を瞑る (Close Ashe's eyes.)
b) 見つめる (Look at him.)

a) 送ってもらう (Have him see Ashe to her room.)
b) 送ってもらわない (Don't have him see Ashe to her room.)

a) レニが魔王になればいいのに (Leni, you should become Maou.)
b) 私が魔王になれば大丈夫 (It'll be all right when I become Maou.)

:) To get Leni's Good Ending:

2a. ダンスのレッスンから逃げたの (I ran away from my dance lesson.)
3b. うん。。。(Yeah....)
4b. 私も、好き。。。(I like you, too.)
5b. レニに抱きつく (Glomp Leni.)
6b. 見つめる (Look at him.)
7a. 送ってもらう (Have him see Ashe to her room.) *
8a. レニが魔王になればいいのに (Leni, you should become Maou.)

レニ『月下の誓い』 (Leni "Promise Under the Moon")

* Save here. The route to both endings are the same until here.

:( To get Leni's Bad Ending:

2a. ダンスのレッスンから逃げたの (I ran away from my dance lesson.)
3b. うん。。。(Yeah....)
4b. 私も、好き。。。(I like you, too.)
5b. レニに抱きつく (Glomp Leni.)
6b. 見つめる (Look at him.)
7b. 送ってもらわない (Don't have him see Ashe to her room.)*
8b. 私が魔王になれば大丈夫 (It'll be all right when I become Maou.)
レニ『忘却の彼方』 (Leni "The Other Side of Oblivion")

* Load here. The route to both endings are the same until here.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4