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[walkthrough] Duel Love's Shinichirou Nagao Up to Round 5 Translated!

It's been a while! For some reason I set aside Ijiwaru My Master for Duel Love. I don't remember what my justification to myself was (I try to make myself finish one game before starting another, but I've sucked at that lately :P). As of today, I've finished Shinichirou Nagao and am halfway done with Tomohiko Tachibana *hearts* I think Shinichirou-kun is my favorite character :) I love his voice and his character's hobbies and everything! He just needs longer hair! After Tomo-chan, I think I'm going for Kei-sama *hearts*

News Flash: Oh, they've updated the Gallery for the Jingi Naki Otome Fandisk, Koi Koi Zanmai! That Asou-san!!

So basically this whole blog entry is a:


You have been warned!

So far I do like the game, but I have to agree with everyone: the story's a bit weak...and not all that funny so far. It's still really sweet though, and the characters are very likeable *hearts* It's a "cookie cutter" game. Everything is the same except the cut scenes for the guy you are going for. The cut scenes appear in the exact same place for every guys (Well, at least so far!). The minigames are great! I suck at sweat wiping, though. I can never get the "Heaven State"....

Is it just me, or is Date-senpai just some kind of funky bully? He just runs up to people and hits them. What a jerk. I heard that he's I probably will...but just to be able to say I finished the game full capture.

Things I've noticed on my own about the game:

1. There are three endings you can watch over: Friend, Happy and Lucky. There are also numerous bad endings. Like he can dump you and choose another girl! There are no CGs or anything for the bad endings, though.
2. You should get at least one CG for each round. If you don't...something went wrong somewhere.
3. The Renai Stalker (TM) method doesn't work too well in this game if you want the Lucky End.
4. They all have the same number of mini-games, but if you don't pick right, you won't get to play some of the minigames...
5. The Collection (gallery) option appears after a you get a Friend Happy or Lucky end.
6. It's not full voice. Nothing I read said it was to be honest. Someone told me it was going to be, but it's not.
7. Time Saver: If you got a golden ticket, save there. From there you can get all three endings!

Translation of Shinichirou Nagao Walkthrough (Up to Round 5!). This is translated from the June 2008 issue of B's Log! This walkthrough will get you what you need to do to get the Lucky Ending...but you have to figure out the Final Round: Duel Love for yourself! Meh, it's not hard. I'll give you more hints after the translation!

The key for the order of things below is: Timing * Location * Selection Branch * Comments
"Compulsory" means that no matter how you play the game or what options you will pick, you will see this scene.
"Map Mode" is when you get to pick where you want to go.
"Love" refers to the Love Scale. This internal number determines whether some events occur and which ending you get.

Shinichirou Nagao:

Round One:

1. Map Mode 1 * 雑貨屋 (General Store) * 「一緒に見てまわる?」 (Do you want to look around together?) * Love+2
2. Map Mode 2 * 図書室 (Library) * 「児童文学」 (Juvenile Literature) * A:Event necessary for Lucky Ending occurs.
3. Compulsory * 廊下(Hallway) * 「うーん。。。」(Umm...)
4. Compulsory * 廊下(Hallway) * 「したい時するよ」(I'lll do it when I want to.)
5. Map Mode 3 * 図書室 (Library) * 「面白い本あった?」 (Find any interesting books?) * B: Event necessary for Valentine Event occurs.
6. Sports Day * 校庭 (School Yard) * 「すき」(I like it.) * Love+2
7. Sports Day * 校庭 (School Yard) * 「でも勝ちたいな」 (But I want to win.) * Nagao Kun Gives you a Bronze Ticket.

Round Two:

1. Map Mode 1 * 音楽室 (Music Room) * 「ペティコートです。」 (It's a petticoat.) * C
2. Map Mode 2 * 雑貨屋 (General Store) * 「滝川先生が。。。」 (Takigawa-sensei...) * Love+3
3. Map Mode 3 * 図書室 (Library) * - * D: Love +3 (Event occurs if you saw A, required for Happy Ending)
4. School Festival * 廊下(Hallway) * 「一枚くだっさい」 (Please give me one.) * Love+2
5. Map Mode 4 * 図書室 (Library) * - * Love>5 = Bronze Ticket, Love>10 = Silver Ticket
6. Compulsory * 格闘技場 (Basement-1) * - * Silver Ticket = Green Room, Passing the minigame, "Care" = Love+1

Round Three:

1. Map Mode 1 * 図書室 (Library)* 「自分で返そうよう」 (Why don't you give it back yiourself?) * Occurs if you've seen C. Love +3
2. Map Mode 2 * - * - * It doesn't matter where you go.
3. Map Mode 3 * 廊下(Hallway) * - * No change in stats.
4. Map Mode 4 * 公園(Park) * 「また今度でいいか」(Maybe next time) * E: Event occurs if you saw A and D, required for Happy Ending
5. Map Mode 5 * 雑貨屋 (General Store) * - * Love19 = Gold Ticket
6. Compulsory * 格闘技場 (Basement-1) * - * Silver Ticket = Green Room, Passing the minigame, "Care" = Love+1, Gold Ticket = Green Room, Passing the minigame, "Care" = Love+1, Date Event = Love+4

Round Four:

1. Winter Vacation * - * - * F: Love>10 then a New Years event occurs
2. Winter Vacation * - * 「やるよ」(I'd do it.) * Event occurs if you've seen F, Love+3
3. Compulsory * 公園(Park) * - * Event occurs if you've seen F, otherwise you'll go to the Normal end.
4. Compulsory * 公園(Park) * 「私でよければ」(If you'll have me.) * Love+4, If you choose 「私には無理だよ」 (That's too hard for me), you'll go to the Normal End.
5. Map Mode 3 * 海岸 (Beach) * - * Passing the minigame "Road Work" = Love+1
6. Compulsory * 格闘技場 (Basement-1) * - * Passing the minigame, "Cheering" = Love+3, Passing the minigame, "Wiping Off the Sweat" = Love+1, Date Event = Love+3

Round Five:

1. Map Mode 1 * 校庭 (School Yard) * - * No change in stats.
2. Compulsory * 海岸 (Beach) * 「海に向かって叫ぼう!」 (Let's shout towards the ocean!) * Passing the minigame, "Road Work" Love+4, Failing the game = Love+2
3. Map Mode 2 * - * It doesn't matter where you go.
4. Compulsory * 格闘技場 (Basement-1) * - * Failing the minigame, "Cheering" = Normal End. Passing the minigame, "Cheering" = Love+3, Passing the minigame in the Green Room= Love+1, If you've seen event B then passing =Love+5 and failing = Love+3.

Translator's Notes: I think B's Log has a typo somewhere...because according to this you can't get a gold ticket. However, if you follow the walkthrough, you will get a gold ticket in the third round *hearts*

I forgot what hints I was going to write for "Final Round: DUEL LOVE"'s pretty much straight forward, though. Just pick the good stuff and cheer him on like a good Renai Stalker (TM). I had to use the walkthrough though...if you don't go to the park and pass up buying Takoyaki from Asakura-kun (don't worry, on your way home Shinichirou will find you *hearts*), you can go to the General Store and actually talk to Shinichiro-kun, so that threw me off. See? You can't be a Renai Stalker (TM) in this game!

Easter Egg: Road Work? Then blow into the microphone...and something good'll happen! Trust me!

There is already a walkthrough on GameFaqs for Duel Love, btw. I really can't post this one...because I didn't make it, but they say translations are okay and all so technically I could...but I don't feel like it. I'll just leave it on my blog.