***NOTE: This is part 2/3 because I reached the character limit ^^; To see the first part of the Walkthrough, please go here.***
Please don't copy the walkthrough onto other sites as I've put in a few translation mistakes on purpose...Please feel free to link to this post, but please don't post any of this text elsewhere! I suppose you can ask if you want to, and maybe I'll say okay, but I can't really think of a situation where you'd need to post this text instead of link to it?
WALKTHOUGH NOTES: The decision branches will be posted in order of appearance during the game with the translations right after the original Japanese. So the first one (labelled: 1.) would be the first one you encounter during the game. The ending title (after the asterisks) is the same title you will see listed in the game's Ending List.
In this fandisk, once you enter a character's route the decision branches and their order remain the same. You just get a different cut scene based on the decision you choose and the ending will be different or not (there's only two endings for each character except for the Maou who only has one ending). The decisions and their translations for these branches will appear before the acutal kouryaku (answer/capture) route, so that people can try to get the ending without looking at the "answers" :)
I have put the characters in the order I played them. There is a hidden switch to get the secret character, but it just appeared, so I'm not sure what it was. I played the character's two routes and then I went back and clicked on all the decisions that I didn't use just to see the different cut scenes :) ...which is why I don't know exactly what triggered the hidden routes.
Notice: I tried not to put spoilers in the walkthough, but because of the nature of a walkthrough, there probably are some. Sorry.
Helpful Hints: I recommend saving at every decision branch. If you match the numbering of the decision branches in this walkthrough to the number of the save slot, it will be easy to go back to the branch you need to get to the other endings, or whatever it is you want to do (which is what I do in my Excel sheets when I play a game).
CHARACTER ROUTES: As I've stated you need to make a maximum of two decisions before getting into a character's route. Sometimes you only need to make one, so the second set won't appear. Here they are (I originally had these in pretty tables but Gamespot didn't like them and squished all the text together so...):
a) 中庭に逃げる (Escape to the inner courtyard.)
b) 広間に逃げる (Escape to the hall.)
c) レッスンを受ける (Attend the lesson).2.
a) 薔薇の庭に行ってみる (Try going to the rose garden.)
b) テラスでお茶を飲む (Have tea on the terrace.)
c) 図書室に行ってみる (Try going to the library)
d) カイルと遊ぶ (Play with Kyle)*
*A trigger must be set before this option is displayed. I think it's the "Tell Kyle" decision in the Sena branch, or capturing Leni and Seizh's happy endings, but I can't be sure.
:arrow: Maou's Route: The Maou has only one possible ending. You get this ending if you don't make it into a character's route in time, so there are tons of ways to get this ending. Please highlight to see the ending.
To Get the Maou's Ending:
2c. 図書室に行ってみる
3. ロマンチックなお話だから (Because it's a romantic story.)
4. 聞いてみる (Try asking.)
5. 眠るって大事だよ (Sleep is important, you know.)
6. 見違えたね (You've really changed, haven't you?)
:D 魔王『誰よりもパパが好き』 (Maou "I Love Papa the Best")
:arrow: Unan's Route: Unan has two endings, a good one and a bad one...like all the other characters. Please highlight to see the endings.
To get to Unan's route:
1c. レッスンを受ける
2c. 図書室に行ってみる
Decisions for Unan's Route:
:) To get Unan's Good Ending:3.
a) ロマンチックなお話だから (Because it's a romantic story.)
b) 哀しいお話だから (Becuase it's a sad story.)4.
a) 聞いてみる (Try asking.)
b) 聞かない (Don't ask.)
a) それでユナン哀しくないの (That doesn't make you sad, Unan?)
b) 眠るって大事だよ (Sleep is important, you know.)6.
a) 見違えたね (You've really changed, haven't you?)
b) 変わらないね (You haven't changed at all, have you?)
a) そんな哀しいこと言わないで (Please don't say such sad things.)
b) わたしが傍にいるから (I'll stay by your side, so...)8.
a) それは本当の気持ち? (Is that really how you feel?)
b) ユナンは優しいんだね (Unan, you're so nice, aren't you?)9.
a) 止めようとする (Try to stop him.)
b) 見守る (Look at him.)
a) 図書室かな (Is he in the library?)
b) 外に出てみよう (Try going outside.)
3a. ロマンチックなお話だから (Because it's a romantic story.)
4b. 聞かない (Don't ask.)
5b. 眠るって大事だよ (Sleep is important, you know.)
6b. 変わらないね (You haven't changed at all, have you?)
7b. わたしが傍にいるから (I'll stay by your side, so...)
8b. ユナンは優しいんだね (Unan, you're so nice, aren't you?)*
9b. 見守る (Look at him.)
10a. 図書室かな (Is he in the library?)******
ユナン 『金の髪銀の髪』 (Unan "Locks of Gold, Locks of Silver")
* Save here. The route to both endings are the same until here.
:( To get Unan's Bad Ending:
3a. ロマンチックなお話だから (Because it's a romantic story.)
4b. 聞かない (Don't ask.)
5b. 眠るって大事だよ (Sleep is important, you know.)
6b. 変わらないね (You haven't changed at all, have you?)
7b. わたしが傍にいるから (I'll stay by your side, so...)
8a. それは本当の気持ち? (Is that really how you feel?)*
9a. 止めようとする (Try to stop him.)
10a. 図書室かな (Is he in the library?)******
ユナン 『白薔薇の涙』 (Unan "Tears of the White Rose")
* Load here. The route to both endings are the same until here.
:arrow: Sena's Route: Sena has two endings, a good one and a bad one...like all the other characters. Please highlight to see the endings.
To get to Sena's Route:
1c. レッスンを受ける
2c. 薔薇の庭に行ってみる
Decisions for Sena's Route:
a) 言う (Tell.)
b) 言わない (Don't tell.)4.
a) 私はこの生活が好きなんだよ (I like my life, you know.)
b) そうかもしれないね (You might be right.)
a) そんな怖いこと言わないで (Please don't say scary things like that.)
b) 自由は幸せじゃないの? (Freedom isn't happiness then?)
a) お願いカイル内緒にして (Please keep this a secret, Kyle.)
b) 三人の秘密にして欲しいの (I want this to be the three of us's secret.)
a) 知らなかったの?(You didn't know that?)
b) そうかな。。。? (You think so...?)
a) セナのママは間違ってないよ (Sena's Mom is right.)
b) 平等になんて無理だよ (Equally is impossible, you know.)9.
a) ここを出てどこに行くの? (Where are you going after you leave here?)
b) 。。。行かないで (...please don't go.)
* Technically this is not Sena's route for some reason. I think it's the switch to get Kyle's option if you choose "Tell."
:) To get Sena's Good Ending:
3b. 言わない (Don't tell.)
4b. そうかもしれないね (You might be right.)
5b. 自由は幸せじゃないの? (Freedom isn't happiness then?)
6a. お願いカイル内緒にして (Please keep this a secret, Kyle.)
7a. 知らなかったの?(You didn't know that?)
8b. 平等になんて無理だよ (Equally is impossible, you know.)*
9b. 。。。行かないで (...please don't go.)******
セナ『幸せという名前』 (Sena "The Name of Love")
* Save here. The route to both endings are the same until here.
:( To get Sena's Bad Ending:
3b. 言わない (Don't tell.)
4b. そうかもしれないね (You might be right.)
5b. 自由は幸せじゃないの? (Freedom isn't happiness then?)
6a. お願いカイル内緒にして (Please keep this a secret, Kyle.)
7a. 知らなかったの?(You didn't know that?)
8a. セナのママは間違ってないよ (Sena's Mom is right.)*
9a. ここを出てどこに行くの? (Where are you going after you leave here?)
セナ『一粒のチョコレート』 (Sena "A Drop of Chocolate")
* Load here. The route to both endings are the same until here.
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4