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The long awaited IAM center and blog add-in SOON TO ARRIVE!

I as one of the original IAM members have not been as loyal to the friends and associates by not producing any real material for nearly 3 months. Now I will personally release 7 movie reviews, 11 cds reviews, 8 game reviews, 5 show reviews, and 20 anime reviews, yes 20. (i've been saving) Along with the IAM starcraft 2 OP pack and trick guides to console games. Only 1 martial arts video. Sorry for the delay its just classes picked up, communication broke down between main members, and I've been enjoying my SEA semester.

On the other technical problem with the IAM center... Sorry about the sponsor redirect issue we've corrected that and ask that no one sends anymore hate emails to our sponsors. As it was not their fault it was our lack of familiarity with the new mechanics would cause and endless loop of advertisements. In no way, shape, or form am I trying not to upset our sponsoring corporations to mutually benefit both ourselves and the excellent services and products. Just kidding... Its been resolved now and as a special limited a time offer to regain the trust of all our fans we'll be offering a dates to all our female fans... on second thought that is the same as committing seppuku or admitting to to a misdemeanor of sexual harassment, knowing the guys. So we'll extend the "together time" to a full 3 days this next week of at least 4 members being on at least once a month until someone is stupid enough to tie a knot. (see site for details)

Your patience was and forever will be appreciated since it allows us to keep a large public format for that which we love.