Little Bit of Gaming
by ApplesAndCarmel on Comments
So i'm a little over halfway done with Mario 64 DS, have 81 out of 150 stars. Now the game is starting to get a little challenging where there is more to the level tahn just sliding down a hill to get a star. Playing some COD4 online too, so invite me to a match if ya see me on sometime tonight, i'm level 33 now, just got the G3 ExpertIII challenge which bumped me up and good 1000xp. Now i got to find a new gun to use, or try to get headshots with some of my old assualts or sniper. Hopefully by tonight i can get over 100 stars, not going anywhere so i'm going to try and sit down and get some stars on that while i can, i also got Zelda Phantom Hourglass today but don't get it until Christmas =(, but that gives me time for COD4, Mario 64 DS, and maybe Assassin's Creed if i can get it off my friend. Don't really have much else going on, and no games to review right now but i'l keep this updated with my status with those two games YAAOOWWW