Listen guys, I appreciate you trying to help me and all, but I already know of what you're telling me. I'm not ignorant of the game mechanics and as I said in a previous message, I was following the guide that came with the game. I know I must've done something wrong, but I don't want to kill the black phantoms again to get to PWCT. All I'm asking if there is someone out there who is willing to connect online and give me the ring (you can have it back). My soul level now is 139.
Don't know if you figured this out yet, but aside from PWCT did you answer yes to the monumental to his request in the beginning of the game? Oh, and I don't think you can be at endgame already and receive the ring... not sure about this one though.
Yes, I did. I was being extra careful since I didn't want to accidentally answer "No". And I don't think I was at endgame when I killed the last BP.
My CT was Pure White, or just really close to Pure White I suppose, since I didn't get the ring. :/ I was following the guide that came with the Deluxe Edition of the game as well. I would go through all the trouble of killing those BPs again, but I'm really short on time at the moment. That's why I'm looking for a quick fix.
Only have 2: Assassin's Creed 2 and Shadows of the Damned. The latter was by far more enjoyable, but both were pretty easy.
Currently working on Demon's Souls (started around Jan. 2010) and it's pretty tough. Takes a lot of time as well, but still I'm enjoying the process more than I did with Assassin's Creed 2.
Does anyone have the Friend's Ring by chance. I killed all the Black Phantoms but that stupid monumental won't give me the ring for some reason. Maybe a I messed up somewhere, I dunno. I did this a while ago and my CT has been reset and I can't be bothered to go through killing the BPs all over again. I'm SL 119, so if anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.
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