11: 46 PM: Okay, here's what's going down. It's late, I'm tired, I need to go to bed, tommorrow's an important day. I need to get up at 7:50-8:00. Every human being should have 8 hours of sleep or more. I can't push my sleeping schedule more than one time a week, or I will become overly tired and incompetent. Life requires energy, sleep gives you that energy, and that is why it's important to get as much sleep as you can.
On the other hand, I just started downloading the last two episodes of Ergo Proxy.
Sleep can wait. It shouldn't wait, by all that is logical, it shouldn't wait, but it WILL wait.
11: 55 PM: I have just discovered that I am reaching an inner conflict...I am tired. How can I properly enjoy Ergo Proxy, the thinking man's anime, when I am too tired to think? The sheer irony...this is why I should check earlier for new episodes from now on. Then again, if I had checked too early, they might not have come out yet...jeez...
I can't wait until tommorrow, I've already stayed up 30 minutes later than I should have...what's the harm in an hour to an hour and a half more?
...boy, that sure sounds stupid. The problem is that I may be too stupid to understand this show. I can't stand the idea of NOT watching it, but watching it and not understanding it has to be worse, right?
12:00 PMDownload speeds rapidly increasing and decreasing...if it would just stay at fricken 55 kb/s than I might be able to watch these tonight...maybe not both, but 22, at least...don't do this too me...so cruel...
12:04 PM: I just realized...I spelled "to" wrong...hehe...jeez...I'm falling apart now. I don't think I can do this...I don't think I can do this...I didn't go to sleep until 1:30 last night...not by my choice, but I just had insomnia, stupid insomnia...
12:05 PM: I can't do it. Good night.
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