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Apple is Seriously Lame.

Now I am not saying this as a fanboy. A couple of days ago people found out that apple had mocked the "blue screen of death" Windows error (whice rarely or even never happens to windows users of 2000 and up). How? There's this program called boot camp whice lets you install multiple OSes on Apple's OS (but why would you buy an expensive mac to run Windows?) When you see the Icon for a Windows Boot Camp start up, the acually Icon pic was the blue screen of death. I MEAN COME ON APPLE!!! How immature as a company is that. I mean BSOD only happend in older versions of Windows in the early 90's. It doesnt happen today. I honestly dont totally hate apple as i do, say Sony. But this is just low. Infact sometimes i look forward to what apple has for M$ as competion. But this is just lame, absolutly lame.This is really all Steve Jobs (the comany's CEO and visionary) Apple picks on Vista maybe even more than their fanboys. I will prove to you how Vista is better than OS X and M$ didnt copy apple. I will in a future Blog of mine. I used to look up to Steve Jobs even just a bit more than Bill Gates. But now i have finally found who Steve Jobs really is. A soar loser who is obiously jealous of somebody's success, that they have earned. Microsoft.