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Being ahead of the game.

That title is related to school. So i regularly finish things like projects and homework on time. And I decied what my New years reslution should be. Yes its very late. A month late and i realize that it probably wont last very long. I've decided to be ahead of the deadline. To finish work earily and laugh at everyone who hasn't finished. Its not all about laughing. I think its healthy for me to motivate myself into doing work and getting it over with before eveyone eles. Well there is no downside to finishing work earily. Once I do something with my best effort and before the deadline, I can relax and laugh as other people have to do it last minute. Thats reminds me, I have do have a project fue next tuesday. My plan for every project is to act like the dealine is tomorrow. Not to act as if its last min. b/c i know i'll have all the time in the world but to just put pressure on myself. Well better get to that project. CYA!