As you may know i visited my cousins house over the weekend and played xbox 360. The very first thing i thought when i saw the console and touched with my own hands for the first time ever was.......... "HOLY CRAP! THIS IS WAY BETTER LOOKING AND FEELING THAN ANYOTHER CONSOLE I'VE EVER HELD!" i noticed its sleek design and light weight and ignored the giagntic power brick (it was hidden at the very back of my cousins HD setup) All-in-all i loved the 360's make-over, really b/c xbox 1 didnt look very good looking. Anyways beyond the hardware i already had known everything about the console (b/c of support ;) ). Its just that i hadn't expericaned any of it myself. So I did and as every1 already knows the dashboard OS PWNS everything eles out there. Ok let me make my first impression shorter b/c I'll have a longer one when i get my hands on my own console. So Overall i was truly just very overwhelmed at all the increadible features the console had, especially because Xbox was just all games and nothing eles. Xbox 360 is pretty much everything eles, including games and lots of them.
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