Is Microsoft still dangerous?
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
The simple anwser is no but sort of. Yes M$ was very dangerous like what a decade ago. What i mean by "dangerous" is threat. In the 90's M$ ruled it all. They took controll of the entire computer market as they became the new IBM. And still are.With all the money they have, they may very well always be. But what about today. The mean EU court has been killing M$ since 2001. Of course with all the complants about M$ taking over everything. I dont get it. They were smart and clever. So they won fair and sqare. Well not really. they sort of trapped everyone buy making all the companies sell Windows OS only on their pc's and making most software only compatible with Windows.How? Windows 95 was that good, back then. Well anyways today with M$ expanding into the digital market with products such as xbox and zune M$ has learned that they cant take over every market they enter. They have to work hardand forceful like they did with windows. Let me tell you a story. Back in 1998 everyone thought M$ was going to take over the evolving digital market by today. But guess what? Who has the digital market in their hands? A company that no one would expext in 1998. Thats right apple. Well i'm not saying that m$'s digital media products suck. no infact they are very excellent. but apple has the digital media market in their hands. While M$ (rightfully) still has the computer market. So M$ is not so dangerous now. At least in the digital media market. And they won't be going anywhere for a very very very long time. And in the computer market everyone doesn't really care if m$ owns that market. Microsoft has also matured a lot these past years. While other companies like ahem apple are still immature (the whole mocking the very old and dead blue screnn of death error in much older versions of windows. Do you see M$ resonponding to apple's childish ways and inccorect and non-truthful adverstising?). Seriously apple (and their fanboys and ppl who follow) will never let go of the past. Yup so where m$ stands is good. Are they rich enough to enter any market they like? Yes. Can they always easily take controll over it. No. But on a final side note, i belive apple controlling the digital maedia market was just luck. Sure they tried hard but it was luck that got apple at where they are today. I also think the horrible Eu court should let M$ go and let apple in. (after all apple has a monoploy in the digital media market . and just like M$ in the 90's with PC's, apple is gonna be in trouble for a long time.