Well this whole week I've been focasing on Vista, mostly. Anyways, Software giant, M$ says Vista SP1 is on track to its 2008 Q1 release and is soon going to release a canidate realease (meaning a final testing version-while still safe in beta). Vista SP1 shall fix many of the major problems that were in Vista when it first lauched. Now i dont use Vista (yet, that is), but i do have neighbors that let me use their Vista computer to do stuff. So really while I use their PC I test out vista :P. All I can say is, it is an awsome OS but the problem is if you really want to use it you have to have a computer that meets the specs needed for vista. My nighbors bought a new PC that runs Vista Home Premium perfectly. And ultimately if you pay to upgrade your PC it will be worth using Vista properly. Well anyways don't listen to the apple fanboys (that are truly all over the web, having nothing eles to do) that say Vista sucks because it is honestly a very great OS and it way better than XP in my opinion. But alas, there are problems in Vista (just like in every software program). And thats why there are service packs to fix them. Once SP1 comes out people will have less to complain about in Vista and when more service packs come out eventually Vista will be perfect say like, hmm lets see Windows XPSP2 . And that brings up a good point because its not like xp was perfect when it came out. No Xp was treated like Vista is now. But look at Xp now. After a couple of SP's, andthe OS is perfectly fine. This is whats going to happen to Vista by SP2. Mark my words. I dont think i have enough room to talk about Vista sales so my very next blog i will talk about Vista sales.
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