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Microsoft's GDC Keynote.

Today M'soft anncouned thier Game Devloper's Canference. This is a huge Gaming event, well its for devs to have a chance to anncounce things, and its happening next month. Microsoft and Nintendi will be there for sure. They anncouned it today. Microsoft in particular said that heir keynote would be named "A Future Wide Open: Unleashing the Creative Community", and that a XBL guy from M'soft would be doing the keynote. The title interstests me in many ways. Well first off it confusing. Are they talking about XBL or Game Devs. XBL b/c it a XBL manager from M'soft. Devs b/c....... well its GDC of course. I'm not sure but im looking forward to it b/c there gonna anncoune new awesomegames coming this year and the next.