My Day for Dec. 18th.
by Arbiter1237 on Comments
Well this week, your probably not gonna see me active here. I'm totally stressed out to the max. So Im gonna be quick as i have a lot of work to do (just thinking about it makes me upset). So anyways my day started out OK. We had a french presention and one of our goup members were not there. SO my group decided to meet after school on wednesday. The problem? I don't do after school. Luckly, our teacher said we could meet just before the bell rings onWed. So yeah then I had to catch up a lot on history/language, whice I had after french. That period was OK. And After that I had Health (really like a mid-day treat). And in the afternoon, after health was science. OK so we were doing a project in science due B4 the holidays, well 2morrow. My groups members really didn't let me do anything and later, like a bunch a jerks, blame me for doing nothing. I tried my best to help, but they just didn't let me andI had a feeling they were gonig to tell theteacher I did nothing, thus killing my mark. So it was a building sort of project and our teacher reminded us that we had to write the the specs of the building. Our groupset me up to do the whole thing. No seriously, my group built something that was so simple, too simple, that I could do it alone if they let me. So now I already have tons of HWK and now I have to do this aswell. Bull Sh!t. Ok so lastly i had math. Wasn't too bad except we had a math unit test. Thats not a problem though. So that was my retarted day. As you can see now I have a lot to worry about. Just about 4 projects due tommrow and 4 tests. Yeah, sucks for me. But the reality is there's just 2 days of hard work for me (and Friday is party day)and theni get my xbox 360 Friday. So try anwsering this: Do you think I care? Simple anwser that anyone could solve: No. But some of these things like that science project is forced, so it doesn't matter if I care or not. *sighs* Life sucks, but not always.