I keep up with all the latest news and i hope you do to. If you do then you would've already know this last week. So its happening today and there is a huge list of improvements @ www.xbox.com. Some of these improvements include DivX support and just a lot of new things, seriously check it out.I live in Canada so this is pretty big for me because video marketplace is finally coming dec. 11th next tuesday and for europe as well, All thought the movie selection is weal right (the U.S. has over 300 movie titles and growing) Canada and other places with get updated with U.S. content anda lotmore, every month. So this is something you can't miss. After all, you really have no choise. (You can't acess XBL at all wothout updating the dashboard and if you don't have XBL then you can burn a CD or DVD from xbox.com, follow the intructions on the website).
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