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Vista's Sales

Well I've decieded to make this very, very short. I belive I've told you that Microsoft hassold more than 85 million copies of vista. Wellthats acually 85 million vista users. But, still thats very good. How come not the number of copies? Well thats simply b/c ppl didnt go out to stores to but a Vista retail box... no instead they bought a new Vista-capable PC. 85 million. well that is better than the 25 million Apple OS user-base that took 7 years to build. While it took Vista about 6 months. Ok fine I'll stop bashing on Apple (althought like I've mentioned beforeI dont totally hate apple, surprizing huh? coming from a M$ fanboy who hates googleand sony beyond anything eles). So yeah, I guess Microsoft build up a bigger number of users sooner or later.