So these past couple of days, Ihaven't been blogging a lot b/c my account simply wouldn't let me. Everything eles however was working. So i went to the forums and asked GS to fix it and days later i guess they did. So now that I'm back i really have nothing to talk about. Oh how about games :P. So i posted my reviews for Halo 3 and M.U.A. The reviews are my very honest opinions. Yes I found M.U.A. more fun than Halo 3. I seriously dont know y. I dont hate halo 3 at all but it just seems i had better times in halo2. Maybe as time passses the good times will roll in halo 3. M.U.A. was just simply fun and one of those games whice are quick but extremly fun. So I guess I haven't told you guys that I'm a big PC gamer :P. In my PC collection i have Half-Life 2, Doom 3 and Far cry and others. The truth is I dont PC "game" a lot. Its too expensive period. No I don't want to buy a new $800 PC thats can play crysis, heck i don't even care. Console gaming this console "gen" has never been closer to the PC in terms of... well everything 360 and PS3 can do those advance graphix and wii can do the controls. For the casual gamer, Pc gaming can be complicated and expensive. Thats why a majority of casuals stick with the console and as a hardcore gamer, i can see why. Its hard to be "hard-core" when you don't have lots of money. But like i mentioned this gen, Consoles are more closer to PC gaming than ever. I haven't reviewed or even rated any of my PC games because I don't think you would even care. Well anyways I guess now that I've told you, I'dbetter get rating. I'll talk more about PC gaming in the future.
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