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What will happen in 2 weeks?

So its been a while. And yeah i lied. I didn't blog over the weekend. I was just too lazy and couldn't get on the computer. So School sucks, and your wondering how? Well i don't know how it is in the U.S. but in Canada we get 2 weeks off for the hoilday. Starting on the 22nd to Jan. 7th. And i have a hell load of school-related things to worry about. Anyways, here, it used to be 3 weeks for the hoildays but it was either my school board or the gov. who changed the hoilday break (where i live in canada) to 2 weeks. Well I've decied to buy my Xbox 360 either on the 22nd or 23rd. Thats right 2 weeks from now. And yeah its exiticting for me. I can't wait for the days of fun i'm in for. I'm probably not going to blog over the hoildays. Well anyways I still have lots of sh*t to go through before the hoildays and my Xbox 360. But as you can imagine, I am so close to getting what I've been missing out on for 2 years (related to gaming, "Teh nex generationz"). But still I've got to keep cool and stayed focased.

So until next time, See Ya!