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Why Leopard isn't Better than Vista.

This is based on a blog by Joe Wilcox:

"There is much to like about Leopard, but this cat scratches-oh, am I wounded.

What's bugging me about Leopard is what bugged me about Vista eight months ago, that doesn't seem toanymore:

  • Feature or UI changes made without really good reasons.
  • Application compatibility problems.
  • Diminished performance compared to the predecessor operating system.
  • Irksome sense the software shipped before being really ready."

If you're not up on Apple's SOP, that last point is what they always do, Joe. In fact, the company shipped its first Leopard update less than 24 hours after it hit retail. Expect plenty of updates in the weeks ahead.

"Like Microsoft, Apple has added new and annoying security prompts to the operating system. This morning, I downloaded an updated NewsFire RSS reader and got a warning popup asking if I really wanted to open this application-because it came from the Internet. Maybe Apple's user interface designers should watch their own TV commercials."

Um. No offense, but Apple had their version of UAC well before Microsoft did. That it's even more annoying in Leopard says a lot about the company's hypocrisy obviously.

"Leopard is no better than Vista, in the sense that some-perhaps many-of the same migration complaints and problems apply. Windows' visibility and exponentially large number of applications amplify its complaints. There are more potential problems to have with Windows compared to Mac OS X. Besides, Microsoft is the successful company so many people love to hate. Criticism is easy, and it's frequent."

Exactly. Both companies sell OSes, so it seems like a fair comparison. But there are one billion people using Windows right now, compared to about 25 million on Mac OS X. Do the math.

"By comparison, Vista's shakedown is largely over. I have little to complain about and lots more to like about Vista than I did in February."

Yep. It just keeps getting better, no doubt about it.

It will be interesting to watch the Mac lobbyists go nuts on this guy, BTW. After all, his blog is called "Microsoft Watch."