I'm gunna start with when I was a kid, and move forward. Today I am 21 years old.
The first thing that ever happened to me was when I was 9. (or 10, I can't remember 100%, sorry).
I was outside during recess playing on the playground with the other kids, when something caught my eye. The playground was in the middle of a field. The only other thing on the field was the actual school.
Anyways, while I was on the monkey bars, swinging, I saw shadows to my left. I looked over and actually saw something in the distant field, probably at least 40 feet away. As a kid, this scared me, and I told the nearest person to me. The kid turned and looked and said I'm crazy. I didn't see anything though when I looked again. So I eventually just wrote it off.
About two months later, once I'd completely forgot about it... I saw something again while out for recess. This time, though, it was closer. And it was weird as hell looking... I'd say imagine an adult female with no right arm, and broken legs. (Don't quote me on this, though, because it's been SO long.. my description could be off by this point. It's been 12 years).
I told some people and they all thought I was weird. That's what I get for telling kids, though.
I saw the same figure a few days later, and it really scared me at this point. So I told the teacher, and she just wrote it off. Acted like nothing happened.
But later that day I got questioned by the principle, who asked me if I was trying to scare people. I told them no, obivously. I wasn't.
The principle called my dad and told him about it all. The principle asked me to leave the room for a second.
I left and shut the door, but stayed right next to it. (The staff in the office wasn't even looking at me).
I heard the principle ask my dad if he had told me about the accident that happened in the field a long time ago. Then I heard him say something about a lady who was killed before the school was built, on the field. She was killed by a machine, but it was at least 30 years ago.
My dad questioned me about it, and we never really spoke about it since. I forgot about it, until I found a notebook I had written in so long ago. it had this story in it.
ArcadianSky Blog
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