I'm sure you guys are sick of seeing this banner (seeing how I've gotten like 6 new games this month, And seeing how 3 of the last 6 blog posts is about me getting a new game (counting this post). XD
But a few days after getting the Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection I picked up MGS: Portable Ops (PSP). It was a used game but it had the book and everything so I thought I'd get it seeing how I can't find a new copy anywhere else. It was only $15 I think it was a good deal.
And yesterday I picked up Mario Kart Wii. I think it's pretty good. But don't ask for my FC... (you guys can PM or post yours and when I get it I'll PM you with mine) I don't know it right now so I can't give it. Yesterday I had work and I was sick as a dog all day long, so not even I know what my FC is right now. But I do know MKWii did it's online right, the way you find people online, the speed of the servers (aka lag), leaderboards, etc. I'm so glad this game came out after Brawl.... if it had come out before then the score Brawl would have gotten at some places would have been lower.

I'm sure all of you remember my blog post about my laptop and the cable burnt in two... well the place I put the laptop in called back yesterday and gave me the "good" news. They said my laptop needs a new motherboard (aka it's dead...), and the board is going to cost me $315... It's not the price so much as it is the shock. I thought they'd be able to replace the powerjack without replacing the board. I've got to get the laptop fixed, but that just blew my whole "$100-150" happy price range thing. Here's to still getting a PS3 in June... I guess I won't be getting anymore new games until June rolls around (well... I might get Ops +... if I can find out what it's all about, it's only like $20 so it's not that much).

I was shocked when IGN gave GTA4 a perfect score. And I was shocked again when GS gave GTA4 a perfect score... I'm not going to get the game... but really, a 10? Is the game really THAT good? I mean beating out Halo 3 (not that I'm fond of Halo games), SMG, Brawl, Oblivion, CoD4, RE4 and lots and lots and lots of others? I think games should get more perfect scores, but this game beats out all of them? I just find it strange, that's all.