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Reggie on Damage Control

Wow, my first blog post on GS. And what better way to open it up with the launch price/date of the Wii.
Last night I was pretty mad that we were seeing no Wii Sports with the Wii, and that we will see a December 2nd launch. Well I'm glad Reggie was there to tell about the US launch. $250 for a Wii, a Wiimote (with wriststrap), a Nunchuck, cabes and stuff, a stand, Sensor bar, Sensor Bar stand, and Wii Sports (I was happy about that). And that we will be seeing a November 19th launch date for the US. Over all I think Nintendo of America did a great job (put back some of that faith I lost in Nintendo last night when I was watching what was going on in Japan). It's not the Oct launch I wanted, but I think everything else makes up for it.

On top of that, we got some great Wii LoZ: TP screens (here's one of them)