Soulcalibur IV, quick thoughts on E3
by Arcanine_88 on Comments
Well, it's happened, I've made yet another blog post. I just haven't had the time lately to do anything. But oh well, last Tue I picked up Soulcalibur IV Premium Edition (the one that puts like an $80 dint in my wallet) for the PS3... yes I said PS3 not the 360.
I haven't really had time to play the game... but I do know my brother owns at it. Out of the 60 or so matches he's done he's lost only 10 (some of them due to people way higher then him, and a few due to him picking the wrong character). And ATM he's ranked at #193 on the Leaderboard.
If anyone wants to pick me up for a match (and I don't think many people on my friends list here has a PS3 XD) my PSN is on my profile.
And no Cam, I didn't want to get it for the 360, I wanted the PS3 ver because I need more PS3 games. XD
Ok, here are just a few of my thoughts on E3 (very very short).
Press Conference ~
Microsoft Press Con: Awesome, had a lot of good games and really done well.
Nintendo Press Con: C R A P. They showed almost nothing, and then they had what's her face stand up there for like 5 hours talking about how she broke her hand, and they had pics to go along with it!
Sony Press Con: It was okish, kind of dull and I wish it had more games, but over all I think it was good enough.
Games I'm looking forward to ~
Microsoft: Fallout 3
The game looks awesome, it's also made by the people who made Oblivion, so it looks like it's going to be pretty good. To tell you the true what done me in for wanting this game (and I'm not kidding on this) is watching the gameplay on G4. They had the head dude or whatever there and he was playing the game. And he had a gun that.... fired teddy bears..... you don't believe me? Click below. XD
Nintendo: Wii Sports Resort
Really... what's there to go "OMG!" over when it comes to Nintendo and their little "show"? So I'm just going to say Wii Sports Resort because the gamae looks okish and I like the new add-on.
Sony: Resident Evil 5/Final Fantasy XIII
Ok, you're wondering why I have RE5 and FFXIII on here? Well... because I want FFXIII more then any other PS3 game at this moment, but since it wasn't shown at the Sony stuff.... yea.
A few other games: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2, The Lord of the Rings: Conquest, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, MAG, Call of Duty: World at War
Final thoughts ~
Microsoft: BURN..... Them getting Final Fantasy XIII just BURNED Sony big time. IMO FFXIII going to the 360 is the biggest news this E3.
What I'm ify about is the new Dashbaord. I like the new things it has to offer, but I don't know if I like the looks of it. IMO the blade system is a great system, does it need to be changed?
Oh... and I just love their ideas for the "Miis" they got going.
Nintendo: I like the new add-on for the Wiimote, I think that's going to be awesome, and I have high hopes for it. I just hope some third party people will put it to good use... because I just don't see it happening that much with Nintendo.
Oh... and should I even say something on Wii Music?...
Sony: They didn't do the worst but I just have very little to say about Sony. They had a few ok games, and maybe losing FFXIII to the 360 is what hurt me with Sony a little (personally, I wanted XIII only on the PS3). And at the same time I can't really remember what went on at their Press Con... Oh well, I just know it wasn't as bad as Nintendo's.