Stop playing Brawl, go play some old VC demo
by Arcanine_88 on Comments
Last night's update (don't get technical with me, it was last night XD) had something a little new in it, a little something called "Masterpieces". Being able to play demos of VC games for series/games that shows up in Brawl. In other words, Pit is in the game, so you'll be able to play a demo of Kid Icarus on Brawl. Now these demos are on Brawl itself, so there is no downloading for anyone to download (just incase some of you don't have the Wii online). And these demos have a time limit (don't know how long, or if it's different for each game). But still, I think it's a great add-on and a nice little side thing in Brawl. I mean demos of VC games, they got the right idea, something Nintendo itself needs to take and make happen on the Wii itself.