I know this is a few days old, and it might be best that it is (less shock and makes people think about it more).
(The prices here are US prices, since... well I live in the US XD)
The price of the Wii and of the Wiimote was no small thing around the boards when the news broke. Lots of people were mad, and some even gave up on the Wii. But here is what I think when it comes to the price of the Wii and Wiimote.
Wii: The price is $250. But what do you get with it? A Wii, a Wiimote (with wriststrap), a Nunchuck, Sensor bar, Sensor Bar stand, a stand, cables, and Wii Sports. We already know a controller, cables and all that stuff come with a system. But Wii Sports is a game. A game that's $50 dollars. So if you were getting it (like myself) then you saved $50 bucks right there. And if you weren't getting it then it's a great game to test out the Wii's controls.
I myself don't think the price is too high. With all the advanced stuff we're getting (graphics doesn't out do gameplay) I think $250 (with the free game) is a good price.
Now that comes to my next point. Many thinks Nintendo lied to us about the price (you may remember Nintendo saying something about the price months ago.). Here is the story about that $250 dollar price tag 4 months ago. It says "it will not exceed $250 in America". "Will now exceed" doesn't mean "the Wii will be below that price" it means "The Wii won't go past that price". So did Nintendo lie to us all them months ago? No. Because the price isn't over $250 dollars.
Now, do you think you'll be paying too much for the Wii once everything is paid for (the games, another Wii mote and so on)? For me I'll be spending $410 at launch. That $410 is a Wii, another Wiimote (and Nunchuck), and 3 games (LoZ: TP, Red Steel, and Wii Sports). My brother bought a 360. He got a 360 (high end one), another wireless controller, and 2 games (Oblivion and GRAW). That costed him $570 dollars. See the price difference in the two?
A Wii, 3 games, and 2 controllers is just a tad more then a 360 (I use the premium 360 because it has a wireless controller, and you got to have an HDD to play XBox games, because the Wii will be able to play NES, SNES, N64, and GC games). So, all of you think the price sucks? Buy a 360 for $400 and you get to play an arcade game on the 360 and look at the dashboard all day. Pay $10 more for the Wii and stuff and you'll have loads of fun.
Wiimote: The Wiimote (with the Nunchuck) is $60. A wireless 360 controller is $50 (I know some of you will say "A wired 360 controller is $40, so count that one.". I'm not going to count that one because the Wii is 4 players, and is wireless. A 360 wired controller is not wireless and is only 2 player.). $10 isn't much of a difference in controller price. And look at how much more advanced the Wiimote is over the 360 controller.
A friend of mine (Samurai X) from PokeCommunity (a forum I'm an Admin at) gave a great great point with the $60 Wiimote. Yes it's $60 dollars, yes it does cost more then a Wii game. But look at it this way. You're going to buy only a few controllers, that $10 more won't kill you if you're getting 4 in total (not counting the ones you have to get if they break down). But what about the Wii game price? Most 360 games are set at $60 bucks a whack. You might only buy a few controllers, but I'm pretty sure you'll own more then just a few games.
I own 24 PS2 games, do you know how many controllers I had to buy? 2 more in the life time of my two PS2s. If them controllers were $60 a whack then that is $20 dollars more then two games. But what if them 24 PS2 games were $60? $10 more for each of them 24 PS2 games comes out to $240 dollars. I plan on getting more Wii games then the number of PS2 games. I am glad I don't have to play $10 bucks more for each Wii game. I won't be buying controllers left and right so that $10 bucks won't hurt that much.
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